Jesus resurrection is a historic reality and so much more. After rising He ascended and sent the Holy Spirit. So, today and every day is an opportunity to enter the story of Resurrection by living in the presence and power of the Living Jesus through the indwelling of His Holy Spirit.
Has God ever worked differently than you expected? Expectations were high in the the crowd, Jewish leadership, Roman officials and Jesus’ disciples on Palm Sunday. Yet, it was on this day that Jesus revealed that He is King. A Lord different than expected and better than imagined.
In Bethany Martha serves Jesus, Lazarus eats with Jesus, Mary anoints Jesus, Judas critiques Mary and John writes to tell it all. Why would Jesus take time to be with such a complicated group on His way into Jerusalem’s Hosannas, hate, trial and crucifixion? Maybe this story is more than a positive example of extravagant worship in the presence of greed. Maybe we all have something to learn about the guest and His love in that home and ours.
Today’s message of hope comes in two courses. From the parable of the Prodigal Son we are reminded of God’s desire and plan for us to live with Him. The second course, delivered after communion, presents the vision for our church to offer more hope in Jesus’ name to more people in Denver and beyond. Trigger warning: This second phase includes a challenge to the Hope family to give sacrificially beyond our ongoing offerings toward our 2-month Expand Hope campaign. May God bless you as you are encouraged to both seize and extend the hope of Christ to others.
We often feel the urge to seek the approval of many people in our lives. This often occurs in our relationship with God too. Yet Jesus reveals there is something more to be discovered. What was the good portion Mary found? What audience are we living for? And, what audience should we be living for? The answers might surprise you.
We continue our journey to the cross with Christ, as Jesus is warned that Herod may take his life. In the city that kills the prophets of God, Jesus is moved with compassion for the people and remains committed to his mission of redemption and salvation.
Today is the first Sunday of Lent, a 40 day journey with Christ and His Church toward Holy Week. We begin with the famous conflict in the wilderness between Jesus and Satan. Why did Satan try to tempt Jesus? How did Jesus prevail? Behold the secret of the Son of God to become more like Him and love Him more!
Since God loves all nations, He summons us to love our neighbors across the street and around the world.
If God is loving why does the Bible also warn of His wrath and judgment? How can these two portrayals of God co-exist? The response of Nineveh’s king to Jonah’s message of judgment followed by God’s response to the king provides a portrayal of grace, the relationship between and reason for God’s love and justice.
At this point in the book of Jonah, the prophet Jonah actually obeys the call of God to go and proclaim among the Ninevites. What Happens When We Join God’s World-Wide Cause? What Could That Look Like for us?