Last week Arik was led to remind us that we are a people of hope. We have a God-given picture of the future that effects how we live in the present. Today, we consider how God sent Jesus to ignite hope in His generation and how the church, as the body of Christ, when prioritized by all who are a part of it, has the privilege of continuing to provide hope in our generation until He comes again!
We don’t suffer without reason. Because, when we suffer, people see our hope amidst it and are intrigued. When they ask about the reason for our hope, we have an opportunity to share our faith in Jesus. Are you prepared to share?
We spend our lives looking all over the place for the right answers. Unfortunately, we often look in all the wrong places. God has made Lady Wisdom accessible and tangible for us. Her clarion call is often right beside us. Are you listening?
Jesus has given the vision, and vision requires mission. We cannot only see it but must do it. What is your mission? And are you praying for the lost? Options for mission include prayer, support, and going. How are you living in regard to these?
Throughout the book of Proverbs wisdom calls us to work diligently and plan thoughtfully while also declaring that God is at work in the world and no plans will succeed if they are not from Him. So, which one is it? Does God do the work or do we? Today we explore Prov. 21:31 which nods at a resolution to this conundrum and a beautiful approach for life.
Wisdom is entirely different from knowledge: it’s the right use of knowledge. It is a skill developed over time, only through a posture of sitting at the feet of God Himself, in all humility and all joy. Developing this skill is even more critical in our information age, where knowledge abounds but wisdom is lacking. Jesus is the true wisdom of God, and He promises to give it to all who ask for it!
Long ago, king Solomon had to navigate many personal and public demands. Wisely, he sought help from God, Who gave him wisdom and inspired him to record it. Despite the span of thousands of years, our lives aren’t that different from Solomon’s. We live with increasing personal and public demands. Thankfully, God’s transcendent wisdom is applicable to our lives today.
As we begin a shared teaching series with other churches in Denver, Jared Mackey, pastor at The Sacred Grace teaches from Proverbs 1 on how God matters to all our life and all our life matters to God.
“Wisdom is the art of living skillfully in whatever actual conditions we find ourselves.” – Eugene Peterson
Todd Bright brings us our fourth sermon in our series focusing on financial alignment
What does the Lord, who owns it all, want us to do with the resources He entrusts to us? Last week we learned that He wants us to be generous by sharing the first portion. This week we discover that He also wants us to save an appropriate amount, so we are prepared and at ease, without dread of disaster.