Past Sermons (Page 39)

Gather on Sundays | John 20:19-21

In the beginning, God gave us weeks. Then He gave us instructions on how to use them. When Jesus came, he gave us freedom to use weeks at our own discretion. The early church chose to gather on Sundays because Jesus came back to life on the first day of the week. On that day, he shared the good news with his disciples and they acknowledged that it was with great sacrifice that the gap between us and God was bridged. The same thing happened again a week later. Over 100,000 weeks later, the same thing is still happening.

Grow in Praying | Matthew 6:5-15

Though we know prayer is important, it is easy to neglect it for many reasons. Busy schedules, tiring workloads and feelings of inadequacy. When God became man, He taught about prayer in ways that brought freedom. In this message we consider some of Jesus’ instruction on prayer and are encouraged to grow in the habit of simple conversations with God.

Grow in Delighting in God’s Word | Psalm 1

Busyness, work and increasing responsibilities can keep us from one of the greatest gifts in life – the habit of delighting in God’s Word. In this message from Psalm 1 we are reminded of the rewards afforded to those who cultivate the daily habit of delighting in God’s Word and we consider practical steps to grow in this essential habit for all followers of Jesus.

Grow in Abiding | John 15:1-11

On the night before His crucifixion Jesus extended a new invitation to His followers, “Abide in Me.” To abide means to live in a close continual dependent relationship with our resurrected Christ through the presence of his Holy Spirit who indwells all who put their faith in him.  In this message we discover move about this beautiful way of life and the…

Grow in Believing | Isaiah 52:1-12

An essential ingredient for a growing relationship with God is belief (also known as faith). Faith is being confident in what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see (Heb. 11:1). This kind of belief is essential for beginning and growing in our relationship with God. As we begin this 4-week series entitled, Ways to Grow, we are encouraged to cultivate the ability that God has given us to see His unseen realities and be awakened to the certainty of them.

Love Neighbor | Matthew 22:34-40

“All the church wants is my money!” Living in a post-Christian culture has unique challenges. Loving neighbors in a society that, in many ways, is a reaction against Christianity is even more difficult. In this message you will be equipped and encouraged to love your neighbors in a way that may be more in line with Jesus’ approach than he approaches some of His followers (including us) have used in the recent past.

Love One Another | John 13:31-35

Ancient wisdom affirms, “Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment.” (Proverbs 18:1, ESV) Yet, according to the General Social Survey reported in Time magazine, “the number of Americans who say they have no close friends has roughly tripled in recent decades. ‘Zero’ is the most common response when people are asked how many confidants they have.” (Time March 18, 2015). During His time on earth Jesus lived in loving community with a handful of friends. Before His departure He commanded His small group to love one another as He had loved them. In this message we consider a few of the many reason why followers of Jesus should unite with a few others as one way to obey Jesus’ command to “love one another.”