Past Sermons (Page 41)

City Life with Christ: Forgo Status Quo – Follow Christ | 1 Thessalonians 2:13-4:1

Birth, crying, rolling over, scooting, crawling, standing, wobbling, walking and ascending stairs. Life is typically a progression of developmental steps and so is life in a church. God created us to eschew the status quo by continually following the voice of Christ personally and collectively. Today we discover what this looks like for a group of 1st century disciples in Thessalonica and for us today.

City Life with Christ: Prepare to Share (Part 2) | 1 Thessalonians 2:14-3:5

Resistance is the heart of weight training and pruning is required in the vineyard. So, why is it that we who follow Jesus can get so frustrated with God and / or those who oppose us when we are afflicted for living the way of Jesus and speaking of Him in our city? In this second message designed to equip disciples to share the good news of God in action and word we are reminded that affliction is not to be unexpected. Rather, it is what we were, as Paul writes, “destined” for.

City Life with Christ: Prepare to Share (Part 1) | 1 Thessalonians 2:1-13

Religious pluralism is a reality in cities. For followers of Jesus in Denver, as in ancient Thessalonica, a natural question is: How should I live among those who don’t know and follow Jesus and what if anything should I say to them about our my Lord and Savior, Jesus? This message is designed to answer this question by looking to the example of the Apostle Paul. More importantly, you will discover a gospel reality that can set your heart on fire to live and speak as a loving and faithful ambassador for God in our city.

City Life with Christ: Live Thankful | 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10

In 1897 Johnson Oatman wrote, “When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.” These opening words in the hymn Count Your Blessings align with God’s heart for us. In today’s message we count some of God’s greatest blessings because living blessed is key to living faithfully with Christ throughout our city and beyond.

Mountain Movers | Matthew 17:14-21

We have all felt discouragement and hard situations in which we wish His Kingdom would come. What would it look like to join Jesus in seeing His Kingdom realized in those moments and spaces? What does it mean to have faith like a mustard seed? What does it mean to move mountains? We are capable of more kingdom advancement than we think we are!

Encounter Your Designer | John 21:15-25

Imagine the frustration of an eagle trying to swim or a dolphin longing to fly. Each and every creature of our God and King is designed for a unique purpose. Do you know why He created you? Have you received your calling? In the final encounter in John’s Gospel Jesus reminds and clarifies His calling for two men. In so doing, it’s as if He is saying to all, “Come and get clear on your unique purpose.”

Encounter Jesus at Work & at Breakfast (part 2) | John 21:1-14

Imagine living with God every day all day. What would this look like? What if you knew God was with you at work, at mealtime and everywhere in between? After His resurrection Jesus revealed Himself in a variety of ways to His followers. In this 2 part message we reflect on the day when the resurrected Jesus shows up to help His friends at work and then invites them to a shoreline meal over a charcoal fire. While Jesus gave many instructions, here’s one He doesn’t want you to overlook – “Come and have breakfast.”

Encounter Jesus at Work & at Breakfast | John 21:1-14

Imagine living with God every day all day. What would this look like? What if you knew God was with you at work, at mealtime and everywhere in between? After His resurrection Jesus revealed Himself in a variety of ways to His followers. In this message we reflect on the day when the resurrected Jesus shows up to help His friends at work and then invites them to a shoreline meal over a charcoal fire. While Jesus gave many instructions, here’s one He doesn’t want you to overlook – “Come and have breakfast.”

Encounter Your Lord and Your God | John 20:24-29

After Jesus was resurrected, He appeared to the disciples, but Thomas was absent for this momentous event. He requested to see the physical body of the risen Jesus in order to believe, but his greater question wasn’t about receiving physical proof, it was about whether or not Jesus is God. He asked the same question that we and others have asked of Jesus for the last couple millennia: who are You to me? The answer: He is our Lord and God.