Uriel Luebke shares his story from working the skating scene throughout the world to becoming the pastor at Skatuary.
Dreams, whispers, visions, open doors… How do you hear from God? While God communicates in numerous ways, He primarily reveals Himself, His will, His promises, His grace and His vision for our lives through His written Word which the Apostle Paul calls, “the sacred writings.” In this message we are encouraged, equipped and inspired to go beyond reading God’s Word to encountering its Author by listening for His voice as we read, meditate, memorize and apply His Word.
The subject of calling can be a confusing one. In common vernacular we talk about “finding our calling” and it mostly has to do with following our dreams. Many of us can feel a sense of angst if we haven’t “found” it. But if there’s a calling, then there is a caller. And if there is a caller, our part is listening…
Difference makers are not typically masters of many things but those who have been mastered by one thing. What has mastered you? What is your one pure and holy passion? For the past several months we have come to know the Apostle Paul as we have journeyed through the book of Acts. As we come to the close of this book we…
After the Denver Broncos won this year’s Super Bowl they returned home to a celebratory parade. How do we celebrate and love missionaries when they come to town and when they are far away? As Paul approached Rome, some from his Christian family walked 40 miles to meet him and escort him into their city. The hospitable love Paul received after a sacrificial missionary tour encouraged him and moved him to worship God. In today’s message we are encouraged to honor, love and pray for those who have followed God’s voice to leave their home land, familiar foods and native language for the name of Jesus to be known among all nations.
Millions of people don’t know the good news that Jesus is King with all authority over the universe who loves them, died for them, rose to live with them, has a purpose for them and promises a restored future for them and the whole world. Most of these people live on islands and continents far away but some live as refugees right here in Denver. Today we will discover how Paul was brought unexpectedly to the island of Malta in order to show the Maltese people who Jesus is and what His kingdom looks like. We will also meet Ben Sooy who, along with his wife, was unexpectedly brought to Denver to be with and love refugees who would otherwise have been isolated from the knowledge of the love of God. Could it be that part of God’s plan is to direct all Christ-followers unexpectedly to places and people, near and/or far, whom we may have never imagined for the same reason He did this for the Apostle Paul and the Sooys?
Paul had great courage to stand in faith in the midst of the storm. Where did this come from? How can we stand courageously to face the storms of life that press against us?
If, after loving and befriending a neighbor, they asked you to explain the good news (the gospel) what would you say? If you are not a follower of Jesus do you know what Christians believe? If you are a follower of Jesus are you prepared? One of the privileges and responsibilities that Christians have is to relay God’s message with others when they inquire. While the opportunities may be few and far between, when the time comes we must be ready. Paul was prepared, not with a prepackaged outline or a memorized speech but with the facts about Jesus. In this message, you too will be equipped so that when the opportunity arrives, instead of being ashamed, you will be ready.
According to a recent study conducted by Heart + Mind Strategies and the Barna Group, most Christians in America “feel a sense of distrust from society, and even fear, on account of their beliefs.” In our country’s shifting spiritual climate some are responding by separating from culture while others accommodate to become like our culture. In today’s message we discover that Jesus offers His followers a third path. The way of grace and truth. The pursuit of friendships in which we both listen and speak the truth in love. It’s an approach John Inazu (Associate Professor of Law and Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis) calls “Confident Pluralism” and it’s a 1st century framework for following Jesus that every 21st century follower of Jesus must embrace as well.
Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage comes from taking hold of a higher purpose that empowers perseverance in the midst of fear. Why did Paul head courageously into Jerusalem to be with those who did not accept him during his last visit and had previously killed Jesus? What fuels a follower of Jesus to be with people who oppose our Lord outside a 1st century temple in Jerusalem or in a 21st century school hall, neighborhood sidewalk or across the ocean on a village bench? Further, what could possibly empower us to overcome fear in order to testify, to speak the good news that Jesus is Lord with them? In this message we discover one of the magnificent purposes which ignited Paul and will equip you to shine the love and beauty of Christ even among those who misunderstand or are hostile toward Jesus and His messengers.