Past Sermons (Page 46)

Removing Our Logs in a Season of Judgment | Matthew 7:1-5

Last week Arik preached, “On Earth as it is in Heaven.” Yet, recent world events may make us feel like Earth is rather more like Hell right now. A series of tragedies between police officers and African Americans has created a climate of judgment, condescension, fear, and apathy. How are we to proceed as followers of Jesus Christ? In Matthew 7, Jesus makes it clear that when we are tempted to judge and lash out, we are to do serious self-reflection. We are to mourn with those who mourn, lament like David in the Psalms, carefully listen to Jesus and others, repent of what gets exposed in us (especially fear!), act in love and out of faith, and develop habits to continue to Heavenize as Jesus’ agents of reconciliation, no matter the environment.

Freedom | Isaiah 61:1-2a; Galatians 5:22-25

Jesus has come to bring freedom for the captives and the prisoners. He has come to set us free. Yet we often choose to live in a prison cell and let the chains hold us back from the abundant life Jesus has set before us. Are you free? Will you let the Spirit of Jesus lead you to freedom?

Gravity, Mathematics & the Law of Blessing | Psalm 1

Your steaming coffee left on a counter will always cool. A dropped pencil will always fall down. The speed of light is always 186,000 miles per second. The earth always rotates from west to east. 2 + 2 is always 4. And God always satisfies those who look to, long for, enjoy, receive from, meditate upon, love, worship, honor, submit to, obey, forsake distractions for, and rejoice in Him through delighting in His Word. Like the laws of nature God’s blessings, according to the first song in the Hebrew hymn book, are consistent and tangible in this life and the life to come for those who delight in His Word. Therefore, let’s be among those who embrace God’s law of gravity, God’s law of mathematics and God’s law of blessing.

Avail Yourself to the God-Breathed Writings | II Timothy 3:14-16

Dreams, whispers, visions, open doors… How do you hear from God? While God communicates in numerous ways, He primarily reveals Himself, His will, His promises, His grace and His vision for our lives through His written Word which the Apostle Paul calls, “the sacred writings.” In this message we are encouraged, equipped and inspired to go beyond reading God’s Word to encountering its Author by listening for His voice as we read, meditate, memorize and apply His Word.

On Seeing them, Paul Thanked God and Took Courage | Acts 28:11-16

After the Denver Broncos won this year’s Super Bowl they returned home to a celebratory parade. How do we celebrate and love missionaries when they come to town and when they are far away? As Paul approached Rome, some from his Christian family walked 40 miles to meet him and escort him into their city. The hospitable love Paul received after a sacrificial missionary tour encouraged him and moved him to worship God. In today’s message we are encouraged to honor, love and pray for those who have followed God’s voice to leave their home land, familiar foods and native language for the name of Jesus to be known among all nations.