Past Sermons (Page 48)

The Ministry that I Received from the Lord Jesus | Acts 20:13-38

Relay runners must receive the baton before they can run with it. Wide receivers must catch the ball before then can advance it. Followers of Jesus must receive our unique ministry from God before we can faithfully and effectively walk in it. Do you ever wish you could be used by God to a greater extent? Fortunately, Paul’s talk with the pastors in Ephesus (Acts 20:13-28) along with his letter to the church in Ephesus reveals that King Jesus has a unique ministry for everyone with an openness to receive it and then steward it faithfully.

Compelled by Kingdom or Comfort? | Acts 20:1-12

Paul forsook comfort as he traveled to many places, spiritually invested in lives, and did ministry that looked a lot like the ministry that Jesus did. What compelled Paul to live such a radical life? – Jesus as King. The Kingdom: Paul’s burning love for Jesus, heart for other people, and resulting desire to make disciples who make disciples. Will you allow…

The Riot in Ephesus | Acts 19:21-41

Have you ever read about an historical event in the Bible and wondered why it matters? It is easy to dismiss passages that do not seem relevant to our present or eternal lives. Yet, Jesus Himself said that scripture points to Him. This is obvious in many Old Testament prophecies, but New Testament Scriptures, like the Riot in Ephesus, need a more thorough investigation.

Many Believers Came – Confessing and Divulging Their Practices | Acts 19:11-20

Do you desire to help others? Do you long to improve the world in some extraordinary way? The hunger that you and I have to be useful is in us by design. God made us to pray that His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven AND He invites us to show what this looks like until people from every ethnic group know Him through faith in Jesus Christ. In this message you will discover who God loves to work through and you will be called to take a specific step of courageous faith to become a more pure instrument for His service.

A Flourishing Movement in the Midst of the Wilderness | Acts 19:8-10

Just as a wildlife biologist exercises appropriate authority in the wilderness for the flourishing of an ecosystem and the enjoyment of it by people, the Apostle Paul exercises spirit-led authority in the epicenter of the “gentile wilderness” for people to flourish with the living water of Christ Jesus like never before. Paul exhibits clear vision, persistence, and responsiveness in developing a team that’s focused, firmly grounded, equipped, and ready to begin a dramatic movement. It’s empowered by the Holy Spirit Himself. When servants of King Jesus capture the opportunities presented to them by the Spirit of the Living God, they exercise authority for a flourishing movement, even (especially!) in the midst of the wilderness. What wilderness are you called into, today?

Did You Receive the Holy Spirit When You Believed? | Acts 19:1-7

If you identify as a follower of Jesus (a disciple) do you find yourself growing in a loving and joyful spiritual union with Him? Are you experiencing more of His love, joy, peace and self-control? Are you delighting more in God and trespassing away from Him less? Are you having an expanded capacity to serve others with the gifts God has given you? If so, praise God! If not, this message is a serious invitation to reflect on how your journey of faith in Jesus began. Contractors, engineers and Jesus agree on this – foundations matter. In Acts 19:1-7 we meet 12 men who revisited the foundation of their faith and discovered a significant void in their understanding of Jesus and His Holy Spirit. After filling in this gap these men believed what they were taught, were blessed by God with the indwelling of His Holy Spirit and given a fresh opportunity to begin well in their life with Christ. It will be worthwhile for many today, who consider themselves Christians but lack the fruit listed above, to do the same.

They Explained the Way of God More Accurately | Acts 18:24-28

What comes into your mind when you think about Jesus is the most important thing about you. When a statement like this is made, it must be supported. In this message we will learn why thinking accurately about Jesus is so essential for your life now and for the life to come. Then we will discover from Acts 18:24-28 a few of the many gifts God gives us to help us think more accurately about Himself.

He Departed … Strengthening all the Disciples | Acts 18:18-23

Why does God call some people to leave their comfortable home, familiar city and supportive local church? Why do churches around the world in our modern day as well as generations in the past send, support and pray for those who depart to be with people in other lands? In our journey through Acts we discover today why Paul departed for a third time from his friends and church in Antioch. In our service today we also have the privilege of hearing from and praying for 3 couples who will depart this week as part of Christ’s enduring and collaborative vision to make disciples of all nations.

I Have Many in This City | Acts 18:1-17

According to the World Health Organization 54% of the people on earth in 2014 live in cities. So, Jesus went into cities, sent His first disciples into cities and continues to work through His followers in cities today. Since urban centers have unique challenges, this message announces 3 reminders that our exalted Christ gave to Paul during his time in the metropolis of Corinth. These truths have significant implications for all of us who love, live within and long to faithfully join Jesus in His mission in our city today.

Jesus is our Success: An Alternative Lens for Reflection and Anticipation

It’s the time of the year when we reflect on the year behind us and anticipate what’s to come in the new. Most often in our culture (both secular and “Christian”), we evaluate our years in terms of individual success. As Christians, it’s tempting to codify the concept of “success” in terms of God’s “blessings.” But what is true blessing? In reviewing Deuteronomy 28 and Numbers 6:24-26, we can conclude one thing: Jesus is the embodiment of God’s blessing and we are liberated from the need to evaluate our own success!