Past Sermons (Page 53)

For the Life of the World (John 6:48-51)

Often we begin our careers with high aspirations and hopes, but “reality” often collides with our dreams. The early disciples – who witnessed their Master die on a cross – must have felt the same: a crushing disappointment. Yet, as the early church remembered Jesus’s death and resurrection with wine and bread, the eucharist, their suffering was transformed into words and deeds that gave life to their neighbors. In this message, Jeff Haanen shows how our daily work can be transformed in light of Jesus’s gift of His body “for the life of the world.”

Listening to the Voice (1 Samuel 3:1-20)

Often the question is posed – “Does God still speak like He did in the Bible?” We often wonder “How does God speak?” and “Is that just me or is that God?” This message takes a look at the life of Samuel and how God greatly used him but he too had to learn God’s voice before he could listen to God’s voice and then live by God’s voice. What do you yearn to hear – God’s voice or the other voices around you?

Own that You’re Not in Control (Matt. 9:14-17)

Our cultural default and the tradition of America is to be completely in control and to live out our dreams. The culture in Jesus’ day was to live “in-control” in a religious sense – full of prim-and-proper religiosity. When Jesus is asked a question about fasting, He replies with a veiled correction followed by 2 mini-parables that almost seem out of place, but after examination, highlight how humanity’s need for control and the familiar has to be given up if one is to have real, deep, intimate relationship with God. Jesus Himself perfectly demonstrated this, maybe no more tangibly and beautifully than in the Garden of Gethsemane.

We have Seen His Glory, Full of Grace and Truth (John 1:14)

Students of Jesus who interact with people who do not love Jesus can expect to be misunderstood. With an increasing number of neighbors, classmates and co-workers who hold diverse moral viewpoints, how can apprentices of Jesus be loving to others and faithful to Christ? How can we be kind in this world and true to God’s Word at the same time? Is…

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Jesus was a man of prayer so we can learn much from Him when it comes to conversing with God. In this message based on what many people call The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us a framework for prayer that honors God and includes several key priorities to be included our prayers.

Delighting in God’s Word (Psalm 1)

Psalm 1 is more than the 1st song in the Jewish song book. It is a clear declaration that we all have a choice to make. When we come to moments in life when we need guidance, to whom will we turn? On this 1st Sunday of 2015 we are reminded that God’s Word is a gift to all who long for…

The Darkness of Discipleship (Rom. 4:17-21)

Life on life discipleship often seems dark, difficult and impossible. Yet, God brings hope. In this message, Charlie Marquis (Hope’s Youth Pastor & staff member of Forge Ministries) shares an update on his recent trip to the Hadzabe Tribe in Northern Tanzania. Just as Abraham had “hope against all hope” moments, he – in hope – believed and became a father of…

He Comes To Be With Overlooked People (Micah 5:2, Luke 2:1-7)

King Jesus was born in Bethlehem not Rome. His arrival in this small unnoticed town demonstrates that our king came to shunned places and overlooked people in order to be with and exalt them. Do you ever doubt God’s presence and love? This 4th week of Advent be encouraged, Jesus has come to be with YOU! Do you know someone who is…