Past Sermons (Page 54)

A Disciple Knows and Shares the Story of Hope (I Peter 3:15)

We as Christians often have a hard time sharing the “good news,” for a mix of 3 reasons: First, we’re not really that compelled; second, we’re afraid; and third, we don’t really know how. As ambassadors of God’s peace treaty with the world, we need to be sure we (1) understand its significance, (2) understand our cultural context, and (3) are equipped with a clear “reason for the hope that we have.” It turns out, our culture is very open to dialogue on spiritual things, and the lack of sharing has more to do with our own discomfort than a lack of opportunity. When we share “with gentleness and respect,” what follows can be a beautiful, engaging conversation with our neighbors. We have to get the shape of the gospel right. James Choung’s tool, Big Story, from his book True Story, gives us one example of a holistic Christian worldview that’s theologically grounded and starts with finding common ground with our culture, through drawing 4 simple circles.

A Disciple is an Ambassador of the King (Mark 1:14-15; 2 Cor. 5:14-6:2)

What exactly is “Christian Mission”? When we talk about the whole church, taking the whole gospel, to the whole world, what do we mean? Often, Christians think evangelism is something other people do. But what is the origination of that word, and what, exactly, is the content of our “evangelism”? We need to be reminded of what Jesus himself declared to be “the gospel,” and how that understanding was clarified by Paul in his writings to the early church. We also need to understand our neighbors. When we have clarity about what it means to be an ambassador for Christ, and clarity about who we’re being an ambassador to, it will give us joy to share the good news in ways that truly “love our neighbor.”

A Disciple Loves as God Directs

With so many pressures from family, friends, co-workers and voices inside our head it is easy to become anxious and perplexed in life. Fortunately, Jesus modeled and taught a way of life that listens to God and then carries out what he directs. This week we explore how to hear God’s assignments as well as the tremendous rewards for all who live…

A Disciple Finds Joy in Serving Others

Did you know that you are uniquely made to bless others in the family of God? Are you clear on how God has created you to serve the body of Christ? This week we explore this reality so that we can all pursue serving in the right roles for the right reasons. Once we discover how God has made and equipped us…

A Disciple Cultivates the Ministry of Listening

One of the greatest ways to show God’s grace and love to others is by simply listening to them. Yet, with so many ideas floating around our world and inside our head it can be difficult to really hear what others are saying. Fortunately, God is a great listener and so He has a lot to teach us. This week we explore some barriers that can keep us from listening as well as some tools from God’s Word that will help us be better hearers. When we grow in the ministry of listening, we and those we listen to can experience the invaluable gifts of God’s grace and love.

A Disciple is Grace Saturated

Having invested the past 4 weeks focusing on our relationship with God, this week we begin to build upon this foundation as we spend the month of October growing in our love for one another. In this message we learn from I John 4:10-12 that grace is cyclical. When we discover God’s grace toward us, we can extend His grace to other…

A Disciple Lives for the Glory of God

When we hear the word, “worship” we often think of music or a Sunday morning service. Throughout the Bible worship is described with words like delight, honor, ascribe supreme worth to, enjoy, give the best of what has been given to us to, and find pleasure in God. This week we look to David, a man after God’s own heart, to see how we can worship God in all spheres of life including, but not limited to, when we gather with others for corporate worship.

A Disciple Faithfully Stewards God’s Blessings (Genesis 1:1, 26-28)

When we buy a book, car or home we consider it “ours.” We have the receipt, title and/or bill of sale to prove that the product, building and land is ours. When we are given an unexpected day off, that day is “ours.” Yet, a careful reading of the Bible reveals that we, who are students of Jesus and lovers of God, are not ultimately owners but stewards. “Stewardship” is the management of the property or resources belonging to another in order to achieve the owner’s objectives. In this message we discover that God, the Owner of everything, is clear to reveal both his objectives, through his written word, and to give us a perfect example of stewardship, through his Son, his living word. This is great news for all who long to hear him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

A Disciple Abides in Jesus (John 15:1-11)

As we discovered last week, receiving God’s grace and forgiveness through faith in Jesus leads to a fresh start in a whole new life. Yet, this is just the beginning. After we believe in Jesus, he extends a new invitation, “Abide in me.” To abide means to live in a close continual dependent relationship with our resurrected Christ through the presence of his Holy Spirit who indwells all who put their faith in him. In this message we discover more about this beautiful way of life as well as the rewards for all who rsvp with a “yes” to this incredible invitation.