A Loving & Faithful Church

You Matter to God | John 6:1-15

Have you ever wondered if God could use you? Maybe you feel you have less to contribute than others. Join us this Sunday at 9 AM as we explore an amazing moment in the life of Jesus. Though He could have fed 5000 on his own, he chose to heavenize earth in and through a young boy. What a leader we follow. Isn’t He wonderful?

The Body of Christ | I Corinthians 12

As we seek to be a loving and faithful church, one of our summer projects is to work with some upcoming changes with Hope’s staff at the end of August to divide responsibilities into multiple volunteer roles. As this work progresses, I have enjoyed conversations with some of you who are considering bringing your experience and expertise to serve with Hope as Ministry Coordinators (or as the Bible says, “deacons and deaconesses”). Also, we are clarifying job descriptions for who will work on teams with our future coordinators. Please join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. to sing, pray, discuss how the church is like the body of Christ as described in 1 Corinthians 12 and enjoy pancakes & sausage afterwards. If you are desiring to serve but aren’t sure what that could look like, this Sunday is for you. And, yes – pancakes & sausage are really a part of the morning plan! I hope you can join us!
Love, Dean