Sermons by Charlie Marquis (Page 2)

Compelled by Kingdom or Comfort? | Acts 20:1-12

Paul forsook comfort as he traveled to many places, spiritually invested in lives, and did ministry that looked a lot like the ministry that Jesus did. What compelled Paul to live such a radical life? – Jesus as King. The Kingdom: Paul’s burning love for Jesus, heart for other people, and resulting desire to make disciples who make disciples. Will you allow…

Acts 8:26-40 | Moldable Multipliers

Philip was an ordinary man who had a an extraordinary impact. He sparked disciple-making movements that reached the ends of the earth by impacting one life at a time. Philip was molded by God and then sent by God Himself to multiply his spiritual life. Will you be molded by God so that He can multiply the Kingdom through you? The choice is yours — Bashful bystander or moldable multiplier.

Listening to the Voice (1 Samuel 3:1-20)

Often the question is posed – “Does God still speak like He did in the Bible?” We often wonder “How does God speak?” and “Is that just me or is that God?” This message takes a look at the life of Samuel and how God greatly used him but he too had to learn God’s voice before he could listen to God’s voice and then live by God’s voice. What do you yearn to hear – God’s voice or the other voices around you?

The Darkness of Discipleship (Rom. 4:17-21)

Life on life discipleship often seems dark, difficult and impossible. Yet, God brings hope. In this message, Charlie Marquis (Hope’s Youth Pastor & staff member of Forge Ministries) shares an update on his recent trip to the Hadzabe Tribe in Northern Tanzania. Just as Abraham had “hope against all hope” moments, he – in hope – believed and became a father of…

KINGDOM PERCEPTION: Seeing the World through God’s Eyes (2 Kings 6)

The world is packed full of hopeless, dark, desperate, dead-end situations. God’s people often find themselves in seemingly hopeless situations. But, how do God’s faithful ones see the world around them and respond? They see the world with God’s very own eyes! They see themselves, other people, and situations the way God sees them. This is how Elisha lived – by faith, by the eyes of God. If we are Christ’s hands and feet, we ought to see the world with His very own eyes.

The Story #29: The Gripped Life (selected passages from Acts & Paul’s letters)

Paul the Apostle was a man gripped by Jesus. This is why he was so passionate for Jesus and willing to suffer for the cause of Christ. In his conversion, his calling, his ministry, his suffering, and his daily life, he was gripped by Jesus. The center of his life was to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and this is the message he so longed to proclaim to those who had not yet heard. What are you gripped by? Jesus Christ or the many distractions of life? Your passion will reveal what you are gripped by.

The Story #15: Amos — the Unqualified Empowered Shepherd-Prophet (Amos 7:10-15)

Amos is one of the lesser known messengers of God, tucked away in the Old Testament. As God spoke to Amos, Amos surrendered his career and his reputation in order to reach God’s people with God’s message. This message reflects on the life of Amos and provides a challenge for the people of God to listen for God’s voice in the midst of life and then obey in order to “love neighbor.” One of the best and most practical ways to begin loving our neighbors is to listen to God’s voice – ask Him, “who, where, and how?”