Sermons by Dean Wertz (Page 10)

Abiders Glorify the Father | John 15:1-11

The Westminster Confession is a document of the church from 1646 that states so much of what we believe in.  The opening statement in the Westminster Confession says, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” This is God’s vision for your life as revealed throughout the Bible. So what does it mean to glorify God, how can we glorify God, and how is glorifying God forever united with joy? Join us Sunday to discover Jesus’ answers to these crucial questions! 

Abiders Bless the World | John 15:1-11

Fruit is a blessing to the world. So, it is God’s chosen metaphor for the good that He does in and through you as you abide in Christ. Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. to learn how to abide in Christ in a way that produces genuine fruit for the world’s good, your joy (as we learned through Arik’s message last week) and God’s glory!

Cultivating Our Union with Christ | John 15:1-11

Have you ever thought that a close relationship with God is for others but not a real possibility for you? This thought is familiar to most of us. Yet, Jesus came to bring us into union with God in a way that is personal and real. Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. in person or online as we worship God and learn how to cultivate an abiding relationship with Jesus, our True Vine!

God’s Invitation to Abide | John 15:1-11

In spite of what many Christians think and teach, God’s primarily plan for your life is not good behavior so you can make a positive impact on the world! According to the One whose birth we celebrated and whose return we await, these things are “nothing” if we neglect primary invitation to abide in me. Don’t miss this, or any message in this series, so you can learn what it means to abide in Jesus, how to experience this blessed life and the rewards that will result in your life in 2022 and beyond!

Before Him Lowly Bend | Matthew 2:7-11

Adolphe Adam composed the melody for O Holy Night in 1847. The music was originally written for a French poem entitled, ‘Minuit, chrétiens’ (Midnight, Christians). Eight years later, in 1855, John Sullivan Dwight translated the French poem into the well-known English lyrics we sing today. Join us at 6:30 p.m. this Christmas Eve as we will meditate on the central summons of this song, before Him lowly bend, celebrate the reasons to do so, and then light candles as we sing this, and other, Christ-exalting Christmas hymns!

Waiting Attentively | Matthew 1:18-25

When Joseph discovered that his betrothed wife, Mary, was with child, he quickly thought of two options. Later, in a more restful posture, God revealed a third way, God’s way. God is always willing to unveil His plan to those who resist the initial impulse to act without divine knowledge. In this message, we will learn how to wait attentively for God’s guidance as we anticipate the upcoming arrival of Jesus!

Take the Sword of the Spirit and Pray in the Spirit | Ephesians 6:17b-20

Jesus is working to see the whole church share the whole gospel with the whole world. Satan is working against this plan by trying to turn everyone in Christ’s church into spiritual weaklings. To see Christ’s plan prevail, Jesus is training us to receive His divine gifts, including the sword of the Spirit and prayer in the Spirit, so the world gets the Good News, God gets the glory, and we all, except Satan, get to be a part of it.

Kids, God is For You! | Ephesians 6:1-4

God loves children and so do the people of Hope. Since the kids will be with us throughout this 4th Sunday service, Pastor Dean will bring a shorter and kid-relevant message entitled, “Kids, God is For You!” from Ephesians 6:1-4. Parents, this message will encourage your children to abide in Jesus in various ways, including through obedience and honor toward you so if you are in town, join us as God’s family unites to worship and receive His wisdom for our everyday lives.

How to Disagree | Ephesians 4:17-32

Sometimes we disagree with people we love. This difficulty can cause sleepless nights, stomach aches, avoidance, anger and sometimes even slander. Last week we learned from Ephesians 4:1-16 that God’s vision for the church is unity, not uniformity. In this coming message, from Ephesians 4:17-32, we will begin to discover God’s guidance on how to be faithful to our convictions and kind toward others, especially when we disagree.