Sermons by Dean Wertz (Page 11)

In Plurality, Unity | Ephesians 4:1-16

 Imagine a deeply unified people. What would it look like for people with legitimate differences to eagerly maintain unity in a community of peace? Christ envisions His followers to be this unique group and in this message, we will learn how He summons us to think and live together that it may be so!

Why Pray? | Ephesians 3:14-21

Why pray if God is sovereign over all? Why pray when time is limited and there is so much work to be done? Why pray if God already knows everything including what I will converse with Him about? After writing to the church in Ephesus about the awe-inspiring and freshly revealed gospel of Jesus, the Apostle Paul shares the reason why he bows his knee before the Father. In so doing, he has inspired generations of people like you and me to do the same. Join us for this message and service to worship God and discover a potentially new and compelling reason to pray!

One for All and All for One | Eph. 2:11-22

Jesus is available for all. Everyone who gets acquainted with and then accompanies Jesus becomes united in realities that surpass the divisions among us. This week’s message celebrates some of these realities and then includes an insightful conversation with Seth Slay, Hope and Bloom’s Worship Leader about the people of God uniting as a community of praise.

Blessed | Ephesians 1:1-14

On sunny and rainy days, it is good, necessary and right to consider the goodness of God. Please join us this Sunday as we unite in song, prayer and God’s Word to meditate on several blessings which God has given to all who love Jesus. This week’s message will be the first in a new series through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. 

A Mysterious Walk | John 14:15-27

How shall we respond when life doesn’t go according to our plan? While on earth Jesus was guided by the Holy Spirit in ways that were often unexpected. The Spirit led Jesus to be tempted by Satan in the wilderness and into Jerusalem to be crucified. The disciples were often confused by the mysterious steps the Spirit led Jesus to take. Now that Jesus has ascended and fulfilled His promise to send the Holy Spirit into His followers, we can also expect to be led in ways that are unexpected, unplanned, and confusing. In this message, we will be encouraged and guided to walk faithfully when seasons of mystery arise.

How to Rightly Know the God with Whom We Walk? | John 14:8-11

God created us to walk with Him. Yet, who would do so if we think God is angry or against us? In this message we discover what the 1st followers of Jesus sought to know; how can we most accurately get to know this God who invites us to live with Him in all of life? In Christ, God is revealing Himself to us as One who loves us, is for us, forgives us and wants us (and all who don’t yet rightly know Him) to live all of life in the conscious awareness of His kind presence and purpose.

Walking with God Humbly | Hebrews 11:24-28

Most of us struggle with a secret hope to be recognized and the reality that much of what we do goes unnoticed. This tension can frustrate us when others are praised and attempts to point out our own achievements are seen as arrogant. In this message we discover how walking with God in three specific ways caused Moses to be described as the most humble person on earth (Numbers 12:3) and how this type of life with God is the divine resolution to our human struggle.