Sermons by Dean Wertz (Page 13)

Becoming a Spiritually Healthy Church – Part 2 | 1 Corinthians 14:26-40

When the church gathers there should be joy, liveliness and space for spontaneous participation. Yet, not in a disorganized and chaotic way that makes our guests feel uncomfortable. As we deepen our lives with God’s Spirit and cultivate our spiritual gifts, this week we will discover how we can experience the mysterious ways of God’s Spirit when we gather while also honoring all who are present

Spiritual Gifts are Distributed by God | I Corinthians 12:4-11

Why am I drawn to serve others in such a unique way? Why do others appreciate and express gratitude for what I do for them when it feels like I’m not doing all that much? If you affirm that Jesus is Lord and live accordingly, then the ways you are energized to love and serve others for the common good are given to you by God. Rather than fighting these inner currents or wishing you had the abilities of others, you will be encouraged in this message to thank God, abide in Christ and keep shining as God’s Spirit energizes you to do so, uniquely!

Spiritual Gifts Are For All Who Have God’s Spirit | I Cor. 12:1-3

After learning about God’s Spirit in the Old Testament, how to begin well with the Spirit and what it looks like to be filled with the Spirit, we now turn to the important subject of Spiritual Gifts. As we consider this topic (primarily from I Corinthians 12-14) over the next several weeks we begin in this message where Paul begins, grappling with the essential question of who has the Spirit. For those who have Spirit of God are those who have the gifts of the Spirit!

What Does it Mean to be Filled with the Spirit? | Ephesians 5:15-20

In previous weeks we discovered that everyone who awakens to the reality that Jesus is King over all including our lives (i.e. repentance) receives God’s Holy Spirit. This indwelling of God’s Spirit is essential for all who desire to have a deeper life with God. God also commands His people to “be filled with the Holy Spirit.” In this message we shift our focus from beginning well to living well as we discover what it means to be filled with the Spirit!