Sermons by Dean Wertz (Page 14)

What Does it Mean to be Filled with the Spirit? | Ephesians 5:15-20

In previous weeks we discovered that everyone who awakens to the reality that Jesus is King over all including our lives (i.e. repentance) receives God’s Holy Spirit. This indwelling of God’s Spirit is essential for all who desire to have a deeper life with God. God also commands His people to “be filled with the Holy Spirit.” In this message we shift our focus from beginning well to living well as we discover what it means to be filled with the Spirit!

Hope at Home: The Holy Spirit is the Artist | Exodus 31:1-11

The importance of beauty and artistry are often devalued. Yet, God and His creation are glorious. So, when the Lord directed the construction of the Tabernacle, He filled His artists with the Holy Spirit so that the Tabernacle would reflect His glory and the heavenly reality it was intended to reveal. May the Holy Spirit awaken and empower His artists today to create anew for the good of humanity’s soul and the glory of God.

Hope at Home: The Holy Spirit Reveals the Mind of God | Genesis 41:25-40

After his mysterious dream beside the Nike River, Pharaoh’s “spirit was troubled” because confusion troubles the soul. What Pharaoh didn’t know when he woke up perplexed was
that God was carrying out His good plan. The Holy Spirit soon revealed to Joseph and then to Pharaoh the plan which provided discernment for the attentive listener, peace for the troubled soul and nourishment for the hungry world.

Hope at Home: The Good Samaritan | Luke 10:25-37

June 14, 2020 Welcome Kids Activities – Good Samaritan Activity Packet Kid’s Worship – Good, Good Father Book List for parents teaching kids about God’s love for people of all ethnicities as a part of the Gospel Prayer Worship Song – King of My Heart Pastoral Prayer Scripture Reading – Luke 10:25-37 “And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test,…

Hope At Home: Praying in the Holy Spirit | Romans 8:18-27

June 7, 2020 Welcome Kids Activities – Holy Spirit Activity Packet and Holy Spirit Windsock Craft Kid’s Worship – I Will Worship and On Christ the Solid Rock Prayer Worship Song – Revelation Song The Lord’s Prayer Scripture Reading – Romans 8:18-27 “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For…

Hope at Home: Ascension Sunday | Acts 1:6-14

Ascension Sunday May 24, 2020 Welcome Kids Activity Packet – The Ascension of Jesus Activity Packet Kid’s Worship – The Blessing As always, there are more announcements sent by email weekly, so if you aren’t receiving those emails and want to, please let us know! Prayer Worship Song – At Your Name The Lord’s Prayer Scripture Reading – Acts 1:6-14 “So when they had…

Hope at Home: Breakfast with Jesus | John 21:1-14

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