Sermons by Dean Wertz (Page 15)

Hope at Home: Not Seeing Yet Believing | John 20:24-29

“…Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Hope at Home: Palm Sunday | Matt. 21:1-11

Today we celebrate that Jesus is our Hope. We gather (remotely) for Palm Sunday in a world that is very different from ever before. More than ever, we recognize we are in need of help and that God is our King and Savior.  It is a gift to reflect that He is the One who holds everything together, heals, and knows what it is like to walk through challenging times so that we also might find the strength to carry on.

Seeking the Gospel of the Kingdom | Psalm 145:1-13

We pray “Thy kingdom come” and we are instructed to participate in the answer to our prayer by showing others what life with King Jesus looks like on earth as it is in heaven. Did you know that we also get to participate in the answer to this prayer by talking about God’s kingdom in our everyday conversations? In this message we consider reasons why it is not only faithful but fun to have conversations in line with David’s forecast in Psalm 145:11, “They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom.”

Knowing Christ | Matthew 7:21-23

Whether we realize it or not, experiencing life with God is the hunger of every human soul. Though there are a variety of ways people throughout time have sought to connect with God, in this section of Jesus’ discourse on the hill, Jesus clarifies that intimacy with Him precedes ministry for Him when it comes to stepping in to life with God now and for eternity.

Anticipate Distractions as You Live with God | Matt. 7:15-20

Just as a current can pull a swimmer off course so there are forces that can distract those who are accompanying Jesus in our walk with Him. In this section of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus warns His followers about impressive and persuasive people who will enter our lives and, if we are not prepared, will pull us from our pure, simple, child-like walk with Christ our King.

Listening to God’s Voice Together | Matthew 7:7-11

In addition to guiding us personally, God loves to guide His people together. If we ask, seek and knock together, our Heavenly Father promises to give us what He describes as “good things.” So, in this message on the 1st Sunday of 2020 we discover why we will ask God for clarity on His vision for this local church’s future together and how we plan to do so throughout this next year together.