Sermons by Dean Wertz (Page 18)

Galatians: The Received Life | Galatians 1:1-10

How can we begin and cultivate a life with God? Today we begin a series through Paul’s letter to the Galatians because this letter was penned by a man who grappled with this question, sent by a community that wrestled with this question, received by churches that were uncertain how to answer this question and now, it is given to us who must be clear and resolute in answering this ultimate question, “How can we begin and cultivate a life with God?”

Easter: Jesus Is Alive | John 20:1-18

Jesus resurrection is a historic reality and so much more. After rising He ascended and sent the Holy Spirit. So, today and every day is an opportunity to enter the story of Resurrection by living in the presence and power of the Living Jesus through the indwelling of His Holy Spirit.

Lent: Jesus Comes (again) to Bethany | John 12:1-8

In Bethany Martha serves Jesus, Lazarus eats with Jesus, Mary anoints Jesus, Judas critiques Mary and John writes to tell it all. Why would Jesus take time to be with such a complicated group on His way into Jerusalem’s Hosannas, hate, trial and crucifixion? Maybe this story is more than a positive example of extravagant worship in the presence of greed. Maybe we all have something to learn about the guest and His love in that home and ours.

Lent: Seizing and Extending Hope | Luke 15:1-3; 11b-32

Today’s message of hope comes in two courses. From the parable of the Prodigal Son we are reminded of God’s desire and plan for us to live with Him. The second course, delivered after communion, presents the vision for our church to offer more hope in Jesus’ name to more people in Denver and beyond. Trigger warning: This second phase includes a challenge to the Hope family to give sacrificially beyond our ongoing offerings toward our 2-month Expand Hope campaign. May God bless you as you are encouraged to both seize and extend the hope of Christ to others.

Jonah #4: The Lord Appointed a Great Fish | Jonah 1:17-2:10

Did you know that God has a vision for the world, and He wants you to be a part of it? He is making it known that Jesus is Lord of all. This good news is going to our neighbors, city, nation and eventually, to very ethnic group in the world. Why did God “hurl a great storm” at, and then “appoint a great fish” for Jonah? Maybe He really is committed to having His people see, savor AND share His glory across the street and around the world!

Jonah #3: They Called Out to the Lord | Jonah 1:4-16

God will be exalted among the nations, so He demonstrates His grace by transforming fearful Mediterranean sailors into worshipers. Beyond the storm, God used Jonah’s rebellion in an unexpected way, to bring glory to His name and mariners to Himself. Have you responded to the Lord’s revelation of Himself to you? If not, will you? And, join His worshipers around the globe in calling out to the Lord, to the praise of His glorious grace!