Sermons by Dean Wertz (Page 28)

Not Ashamed (2 of 3) | Acts 22:30-23:35

According to a recent study conducted by Heart + Mind Strategies and the Barna Group, most Christians in America “feel a sense of distrust from society, and even fear, on account of their beliefs.” In our country’s shifting spiritual climate some are responding by separating from culture while others accommodate to become like our culture. In today’s message we discover that Jesus offers His followers a third path. The way of grace and truth. The pursuit of friendships in which we both listen and speak the truth in love. It’s an approach John Inazu (Associate Professor of Law and Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis) calls “Confident Pluralism” and it’s a 1st century framework for following Jesus that every 21st century follower of Jesus must embrace as well.

Not Ashamed (1 of 3) | Acts 21:27-22:29

Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage comes from taking hold of a higher purpose that empowers perseverance in the midst of fear. Why did Paul head courageously into Jerusalem to be with those who did not accept him during his last visit and had previously killed Jesus? What fuels a follower of Jesus to be with people who oppose our Lord outside a 1st century temple in Jerusalem or in a 21st century school hall, neighborhood sidewalk or across the ocean on a village bench? Further, what could possibly empower us to overcome fear in order to testify, to speak the good news that Jesus is Lord with them? In this message we discover one of the magnificent purposes which ignited Paul and will equip you to shine the love and beauty of Christ even among those who misunderstand or are hostile toward Jesus and His messengers.

Blessings of Belief | John 20:24-29 (Resurrection Sunday)

Why did followers of Jesus change their day of worship from the Jewish Sabbath to the day of Christ’s resurrection? Why did they transition from an annual Passover to a frequent celebration including the bread and the cup? Why do followers of Jesus continue today to sing about, talk about, read about and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus? While there are many reasons to celebrate Jesus’ emergence from the tomb, on this Resurrection Sunday we reflect and give thanks to God for three. Through the resurrection of Jesus, God blesses us with certainty in our faith, clarity in our hope and charity in our neighborly love.

Your King Comes to You, Humble | Matthew 21:1-11

At times we all see ourselves as unimportant, unlovable and too small to matter to anyone of importance. These thoughts typically take us into dark places. Yet, in spite of how we perceive ourselves, we are never insignificant in the eyes of God. Beyond the branches in the air and robes on the path, Palm Sunday announces to Jerusalem and to you “Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey.” This is great news – for us and for the world.

Ready to Die for the Name of the Lord Jesus | Acts 21:1-16

As Jesus called His followers to do tangible things during His time on earth, He continues to summons His disciples to action now. Sometimes Jesus’ plans for us are so difficult that others may urge us to head in a different direction. Do you ever second guess your direction? Do you ever stay awake at night worrying what others will think about your plans? In Acts 21:1-16 we see the courage of Paul who received his marching orders from one Source and remained faithful to his orders in spite of opposing forces. We also discover the high motivation that can make this loyalty possible for all disciples – for the name of the Lord Jesus.

The Ministry that I Received from the Lord Jesus | Acts 20:13-38

Relay runners must receive the baton before they can run with it. Wide receivers must catch the ball before then can advance it. Followers of Jesus must receive our unique ministry from God before we can faithfully and effectively walk in it. Do you ever wish you could be used by God to a greater extent? Fortunately, Paul’s talk with the pastors in Ephesus (Acts 20:13-28) along with his letter to the church in Ephesus reveals that King Jesus has a unique ministry for everyone with an openness to receive it and then steward it faithfully.

Many Believers Came – Confessing and Divulging Their Practices | Acts 19:11-20

Do you desire to help others? Do you long to improve the world in some extraordinary way? The hunger that you and I have to be useful is in us by design. God made us to pray that His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven AND He invites us to show what this looks like until people from every ethnic group know Him through faith in Jesus Christ. In this message you will discover who God loves to work through and you will be called to take a specific step of courageous faith to become a more pure instrument for His service.

Did You Receive the Holy Spirit When You Believed? | Acts 19:1-7

If you identify as a follower of Jesus (a disciple) do you find yourself growing in a loving and joyful spiritual union with Him? Are you experiencing more of His love, joy, peace and self-control? Are you delighting more in God and trespassing away from Him less? Are you having an expanded capacity to serve others with the gifts God has given you? If so, praise God! If not, this message is a serious invitation to reflect on how your journey of faith in Jesus began. Contractors, engineers and Jesus agree on this – foundations matter. In Acts 19:1-7 we meet 12 men who revisited the foundation of their faith and discovered a significant void in their understanding of Jesus and His Holy Spirit. After filling in this gap these men believed what they were taught, were blessed by God with the indwelling of His Holy Spirit and given a fresh opportunity to begin well in their life with Christ. It will be worthwhile for many today, who consider themselves Christians but lack the fruit listed above, to do the same.

They Explained the Way of God More Accurately | Acts 18:24-28

What comes into your mind when you think about Jesus is the most important thing about you. When a statement like this is made, it must be supported. In this message we will learn why thinking accurately about Jesus is so essential for your life now and for the life to come. Then we will discover from Acts 18:24-28 a few of the many gifts God gives us to help us think more accurately about Himself.

He Departed … Strengthening all the Disciples | Acts 18:18-23

Why does God call some people to leave their comfortable home, familiar city and supportive local church? Why do churches around the world in our modern day as well as generations in the past send, support and pray for those who depart to be with people in other lands? In our journey through Acts we discover today why Paul departed for a third time from his friends and church in Antioch. In our service today we also have the privilege of hearing from and praying for 3 couples who will depart this week as part of Christ’s enduring and collaborative vision to make disciples of all nations.