Sermons by Dean Wertz (Page 7)

Where Shall We Find the Good Life? | Deuteronomy 30:15-20

A wise child learns from the successes and mistakes of their parents. Likewise, we can gain wisdom from observing the choices of previous generations including the people of Israel during their 40 years wandering in the wilderness. Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. as we rediscover God’s path for His people (then and now) to receive and experience His good and blessed life!

What Should We Do With The Ten Commandments? | Exodus 19:16-20

When someone mentions THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, deep feelings often arise. “Yikes, I can’t recount all 10.” “I’m guilty because I don’t measure up.” “I guess I’m in trouble because I can’t measure up.” “Yes, whew, I’m very devoted to living by them.” “Why did they remove them from the courthouse? Are you kidding me!?” What should we, who seek to abide in Jesus, think about and do with the 10 Commandments? Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we consider God’s dramatic presentation of these laws and discover the role they played in Jesus’s earthly life, and now in our own!

Creation: Why Do I Exist? Genesis 1:26-31

Why do I exist? Is there more? How do I fit in the story? This year we will consider these and other important questions. Join us this Sunday January 1 at 9 a.m. to sing, pray and start the New Year with a new series through the stories of the Bible entitled, “Knowing God.” Pastor Dean will launch the series by asking “Why do I exist?” as we read and meditate on God’s design for you from the beginning revealed in the early chapters of the Book of Genesis. And, since we are stepping into a New Year this Sunday, we will celebrate with refreshments for all ages after the service!

Christmas Eve Service | Luke 1:26-35 & Luke 2:7-15

We are so excited to gather with you on Christmas Eve, this Saturday, December 24th at 6 p.m. to celebrate the coming of Jesus! This will be a great service to invite friends and family to come with you to. We will not have an in-person service on Sunday morning but will provide a pre-recorded Christmas service on the Sunday Service page at our web site.

Hail the Incarnate Deity | Mathew 1:18-25

This Sunday is the 1st Sunday of Advent, the church’s four-week journey toward the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Throughout Advent 2022, we will learn the essential reality of Jesus’ incarnation. Join us at 9 a.m. as we worship the Incarnate Deity in song, prayer and a message for all ages lifting up Jesus as “God with us” who has come to save His people from our sins!

The Gospel the Apostles Preached | I Corinthians 15

“Gentlemen,” he said, holding a pigskin in his right hand, “this is a football.” Vince Lombardi was coaching a group of three dozen professional athletes, yet he started from the beginning. Reminders are always helpful and often essential. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we receive the Apostle Paul’s reminder of the Gospel that he preached and in which the church lives. May God meet with us, restore our clarity in His Gospel and send us into the week abiding in and abounding for the Lord Jesus Christ!

Worship – What’s Love Got To Do With It? | I Cor. 11-14

One of God’s gifts to the church is worship! Yet, sometimes worshipers do things that we don’t like while we praise God together. Worship gatherings for the Corinthian Church were lively but also chaotic and in many ways, disrespectful. Though many aspects of first-century worship were different than ours, the solution Jesus unveiled through the Apostle Paul’s pen is the same. Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. as we unite to worship God and discover the intermingling of worship and love!

Breaking Bread Together | I Corinthians 11:17-34

An ordinance is a Christian experience with physical elements (water; bread and cup), that is celebrated when the church of Jesus comes together. This word is closely associated with the term sacrament, which is an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible grace. Join us at 9 a.m. this Sunday 10/30 as we meditate on Jesus and the significance of His table, followed by an invitation to participate in the ordinance of communion together.

Fidelity in Marriage and Singleness | 1 Corinthians 7:1-40

As the inventor, designer and overseer of marriage, singleness and sex; God communicates His intentions and guidelines for His people throughout the Bible. One of the places where He does so is in 1 Corinthians 5-7. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we worship our Great God in song, prayer and further meditation on what union with God looks like in our single and married lives.