"Busyness" Tagged Sermons

Seek First the Kingdom | Haggai 1:2-9

We’re busy. There are so many things we have to do to keep our lives running. They were busy. There were so many things the people of Judah had to do restart their lives and keep them running when they returned from Babylon to Jerusalem. God knew it. He knew they were busy. He knew there were so many things they had to do. But he asked them to prioritize doing the things that would fulfill his redemptive mission and trust him to provide for them. Join us Sunday at 9am as we worship God, consider how he called the people of Judah to participate in his mission, and consider how he is calling each of us to participate.

He Comes to Give Rest (Gen. 2:2, Matt. 11:28-30, Rev. 13:14)

Having invested the past 12 weeks growing as disciples who love God, one another and our neighbors, we now transition to Advent. “Advent” means “coming” and it has become a term to describe the 4 Sundays that precede Christmas in which God’s people celebrate Jesus’ first coming in Bethlehem as well as His second coming which we await. In this first Sunday of Advent, just before the busy month of December begins, we exalt Christ who declared during his first advent, “Come to me … and I will give you rest.” In Christ we have rest with God and rest within ourselves so that we may accurately represent our King Jesus as faithful ambassadors in this restless world.