"creation" Tagged Sermons

Creation: Why Do I Exist? Genesis 1:26-31

Why do I exist? Is there more? How do I fit in the story? This year we will consider these and other important questions. Join us this Sunday January 1 at 9 a.m. to sing, pray and start the New Year with a new series through the stories of the Bible entitled, “Knowing God.” Pastor Dean will launch the series by asking “Why do I exist?” as we read and meditate on God’s design for you from the beginning revealed in the early chapters of the Book of Genesis. And, since we are stepping into a New Year this Sunday, we will celebrate with refreshments for all ages after the service!

Redemption for All of Creation | Romans 8:18-25

The Bible’s declaration of present and future Redemption is as revolutionary now as it was two millennia ago: God came into this broken creation to begin redeeming it. Redemption has started in us, God’s people, and eventually, it will be completed in us and through us. Our souls and bodies alike will be redeemed. Both the human and sub-human worlds will be redeemed. Redemption is for all of creation!

Lent 3: Penitent and Praying | Psalm 19

We were made to live with God. Yet, like David, we wander, breaking the Divine’s laws and heart. Fortunately, God pursues His people in many ways. On this 3rd Sunday of Lent we see in Psalm 19 that God reveals Himself to His wayward king through His creation and His written Word. This was a gift to David and, for those of us who live after the first coming of Jesus, we have the clearest demonstration of God’s love and grace. In Christ, we can be restored and reconciled to our God-given purpose – the blessed life with God.

He Comes to Make All Things New (Isaiah 11:6-9 & Rev. 21:1-5)

In this 3rd week of Advent we consider, “What is it we are waiting for?” In other words, what is God’s vision for the future? Jesus and the whole Bible reveal that God’s vision for the future is a second advent of Christ followed by a renewed cosmos free from destruction, racial division, injustice and everything else that disrupts the harmony that once existed in Eden. Once this picture becomes clearer a second question must be addressed, “In light of this hope, how shall we now live?” This week we hear God’s invitation for us is to participate in making earth look more like Heaven while we anticipate Christ’s 2nd advent after which He will make all things new.

The Story #1: In the Beginning, God (Gen 1-11)

Everyone loves a good story that begins with “Once upon a time…” Genesis 1 begins with the similar phrase, “In the beginning, God…” This message declares that God is the maker of heaven and earth and that He is devoted to relating with the humans whom He has created. When Adam and Eve turned from God for the first time, God unveiled that He is committed to restoring their relationship with Him. This was great news for them in the garden as it is for us today.