"Creator" Tagged Sermons

God the Creator | Genesis 1:1-5

A.W. Tozer wrote “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This spring we will think about God by learning the names of Himself that He made known to us in the Bible. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we begin with the first name of God revealed in the early pages of the Bible, The Creator.

Encounter Your Designer | John 21:15-25

Imagine the frustration of an eagle trying to swim or a dolphin longing to fly. Each and every creature of our God and King is designed for a unique purpose. Do you know why He created you? Have you received your calling? In the final encounter in John’s Gospel Jesus reminds and clarifies His calling for two men. In so doing, it’s as if He is saying to all, “Come and get clear on your unique purpose.”

1st Week of Advent: Jesus is Light (John 1:1-13)

The word Advent comes from a Latin word meaning “to come.” On this 1st Sunday of Advent we celebrate the first coming of Jesus as the light of the world. Similar to the transformation from darkness to light that we all experienced when we were born, so everything changes when the light of Christ shines into our spiritual darkness and we experience our new birth from above.