"Discipleship" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

A Flourishing Movement in the Midst of the Wilderness | Acts 19:8-10

Just as a wildlife biologist exercises appropriate authority in the wilderness for the flourishing of an ecosystem and the enjoyment of it by people, the Apostle Paul exercises spirit-led authority in the epicenter of the “gentile wilderness” for people to flourish with the living water of Christ Jesus like never before. Paul exhibits clear vision, persistence, and responsiveness in developing a team that’s focused, firmly grounded, equipped, and ready to begin a dramatic movement. It’s empowered by the Holy Spirit Himself. When servants of King Jesus capture the opportunities presented to them by the Spirit of the Living God, they exercise authority for a flourishing movement, even (especially!) in the midst of the wilderness. What wilderness are you called into, today?

They Explained the Way of God More Accurately | Acts 18:24-28

What comes into your mind when you think about Jesus is the most important thing about you. When a statement like this is made, it must be supported. In this message we will learn why thinking accurately about Jesus is so essential for your life now and for the life to come. Then we will discover from Acts 18:24-28 a few of the many gifts God gives us to help us think more accurately about Himself.

He Departed … Strengthening all the Disciples | Acts 18:18-23

Why does God call some people to leave their comfortable home, familiar city and supportive local church? Why do churches around the world in our modern day as well as generations in the past send, support and pray for those who depart to be with people in other lands? In our journey through Acts we discover today why Paul departed for a third time from his friends and church in Antioch. In our service today we also have the privilege of hearing from and praying for 3 couples who will depart this week as part of Christ’s enduring and collaborative vision to make disciples of all nations.

Acts 16:1- 5| Apprenticeship: Paul Wanted Timothy to Accompany Him

While most cultures recognize the power of intentional relationships between someone with mastery in a particular field and an apprentice, this approach for development is often neglected here in Denver. Investing in another person can be time consuming, messy and threatening when those we train excel. In this message we explore Paul’s commitment to apprentice Timothy in order to discover some compelling reasons to engage in apprenticing others as Paul and, more importantly, Jesus did.

Why Relational Discipleship? (Matt. 4:19 & Matt. 28:18-20)

Annually Hope Community Church asks God for an intentional focus for our Sept. through Aug. ministry year. This year’s focus is to shift to become a more relational disciple-making church. As our elders, leaders and ministry areas have begun intentionally seeking to follow Jesus and equip others to do the same, some people have asked a valid and important question, “Why?” In this message Dean Wertz explains several reasons for this year’s emphasis and casts a vision for what this could look like for generations to come.

We have Seen His Glory, Full of Grace and Truth (John 1:14)

Students of Jesus who interact with people who do not love Jesus can expect to be misunderstood. With an increasing number of neighbors, classmates and co-workers who hold diverse moral viewpoints, how can apprentices of Jesus be loving to others and faithful to Christ? How can we be kind in this world and true to God’s Word at the same time? Is…

Delighting in God’s Word (Psalm 1)

Psalm 1 is more than the 1st song in the Jewish song book. It is a clear declaration that we all have a choice to make. When we come to moments in life when we need guidance, to whom will we turn? On this 1st Sunday of 2015 we are reminded that God’s Word is a gift to all who long for…

The Darkness of Discipleship (Rom. 4:17-21)

Life on life discipleship often seems dark, difficult and impossible. Yet, God brings hope. In this message, Charlie Marquis (Hope’s Youth Pastor & staff member of Forge Ministries) shares an update on his recent trip to the Hadzabe Tribe in Northern Tanzania. Just as Abraham had “hope against all hope” moments, he – in hope – believed and became a father of…