"discipline" Tagged Sermons

Jonah #4: The Lord Appointed a Great Fish | Jonah 1:17-2:10

Did you know that God has a vision for the world, and He wants you to be a part of it? He is making it known that Jesus is Lord of all. This good news is going to our neighbors, city, nation and eventually, to very ethnic group in the world. Why did God “hurl a great storm” at, and then “appoint a great fish” for Jonah? Maybe He really is committed to having His people see, savor AND share His glory across the street and around the world!

The Story #17: God’s Relentless Love (Jeremiah, Lamentations & Ezekiel)

God loves His children whom He made to delight in Him and shine for Him. Yet sometimes God’s sons and daughters drift away and seek to evade Him. Just as God went to great lengths to bring Israel back to Himself so He has gone to great lengths to pursue us prodigals as well. Sometimes God even brings discipline into our lives in order to bring us back into communion with Him so we can join Him in serving in His harvest as we (like Israel) were made to do.