"divine purpose" Tagged Sermons

Resurrection in Practice | John 21:15-25

Have you ever been a bad friend? Have you ever shrunk back from a challenge because you were scared? Have you ever been unfaithful to someone who has only ever been faithful to you for years? A common feeling we have when we recognize we’ve done something like this, is shame. Peter must have felt shame after he denied knowing Jesus, 3 times. When Jesus forgives Peter joyfully, removes Peter’s shame completely, and invites Peter to follow him courageously, he empowers Peter to live like Jesus, resurrectedly.

Acts 11:19-30| Remain Faithful to the Lord with Steadfast Purpose

Aspen forests grow as each tree distributes seeds and sends out root sprouts. Similarly, our exalted Jesus expands His Kingdom here on earth in various ways through ordinary people like you and me. In this message by Dean Wertz, united with a God exalting testimony from Uriel Luebcke, founder and Pastor of SkateMinistry.org, you will be inspired to discover, and then remain steadfast to, your divine purpose.