"faithfulness" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

Acts 1:12-26 | The Scripture Had to be Fulfilled

Disappointment comes from unmet expectations. Like everyone, followers of Jesus know how difficult life can be when things don’t go as we expect. Does God see? Does He care? As we study what happened in the 10 days between the ascending of Jesus to heaven and the descending of His Spirit to earth we discover that there is something about God that we need to learn in this world of disappointments. Before we head into Acts 2 (next week, hopefully) we must first discover God’s plan and vantage point in order to walk faithful in the midst of unmet expectations.

A Disciple Faithfully Stewards God’s Blessings (Genesis 1:1, 26-28)

When we buy a book, car or home we consider it “ours.” We have the receipt, title and/or bill of sale to prove that the product, building and land is ours. When we are given an unexpected day off, that day is “ours.” Yet, a careful reading of the Bible reveals that we, who are students of Jesus and lovers of God, are not ultimately owners but stewards. “Stewardship” is the management of the property or resources belonging to another in order to achieve the owner’s objectives. In this message we discover that God, the Owner of everything, is clear to reveal both his objectives, through his written word, and to give us a perfect example of stewardship, through his Son, his living word. This is great news for all who long to hear him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

The Story #8: They Abandoned the LORD . . . the LORD was Moved to Pity (Judges)

Do you ever drift away from God and His ways? If so, you are not alone. We all are “prone to wander” from the God we love. In this message you will see that Israel repeatedly abandoned God during the time of the Judges, you will discover two hazards that can cause us to drift, and you will be encouraged by God’s consistent compassion for His children both then and now.