"gospel" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

Not Ashamed (1 of 3) | Acts 21:27-22:29

Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage comes from taking hold of a higher purpose that empowers perseverance in the midst of fear. Why did Paul head courageously into Jerusalem to be with those who did not accept him during his last visit and had previously killed Jesus? What fuels a follower of Jesus to be with people who oppose our Lord outside a 1st century temple in Jerusalem or in a 21st century school hall, neighborhood sidewalk or across the ocean on a village bench? Further, what could possibly empower us to overcome fear in order to testify, to speak the good news that Jesus is Lord with them? In this message we discover one of the magnificent purposes which ignited Paul and will equip you to shine the love and beauty of Christ even among those who misunderstand or are hostile toward Jesus and His messengers.

Acts 17:10-34 | Paul in Athens: Why Starbucks Cups Don’t Matter

Paul continues his 2nd missionary journey, and travels to Athens, the birthplace of modern western thought and democracy. In a proud city of extraordinary architecture, art, and culture – one designed to display its great history, people, and ideas, Paul becomes “greatly distressed” by what he observes – in a way reminiscent of God himself, whenever God-given artistry and ability is not attributed and celebrated as grace and gifts from him alone. Since Paul has been transformed by Jesus himself, he is able to deeply understand Athens, and at the same time love Athens with the love of Jesus himself. In so doing, he gives us a clear example of how to engage in our highly nuanced, pluralist culture… blank Starbucks holiday cups and all.

Acts 16:11-40 | We Met a Slave Girl who had a Spirit of Divination

Sometimes we all get stuck – stuck in traffic and stuck in unhealthy reoccurring thoughts, attitudes and habits. Like the struggling prey of a python, our unsuccessful attempts toward liberation can lead us to despair. In the Apostle Paul’s first visit to the ancient Macedonian city of Philippi, we meet a young girl, a business woman and a law enforcement officer who all find themselves entrapped. The good news for them is great news for us – our stuck-ness need not remain. True deliverance beyond tolerable recovery is available because a loving and infinitely powerful Deliverer is at hand.

Acts 15:1-21 | We Believe We will be Saved Through the Grace of the Lord Jesus

Do we enter the family of God based on what we do for Him or by trusting in what He has done for us? The good news (gospel) is that God sent His Son Jesus because He loves us apart from what we do or do not do for Him. After we believe this message by faith, our process of transformation begins in His way and His timing as He conforms us to become more like our Lord Jesus. This is amazing grace. In today’s message from Acts 15 we discover that this unconditional love of God is so foreign to the human way of thinking that people often add requirements beyond faith in Jesus. When people do this we must follow the example of Jesus’ first disciples by lovingly, yet firmly, affirming, “We believe that we will be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus” for God’s sake, our sake and the sake of the world.

Acts 13:13-51 | If You Have Any Word of Encouragement… Say It

Have you noticed how some followers of Jesus seem to have something special when it comes to helping others come to believe in and follow Jesus as Lord? The Apostle Paul was used by God to point thousands of people toward a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. As we seek to be disciples who help others to become disciples, this message unveils values that God used in Paul to draw many to become disciples of Jesus. What if we all learned from Paul as he learned from Christ?

Acts 13:4-12 | Sergius Paulus Sought to Hear the Word of God

Many years ago Saint Augustine wrote, “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” In today’s message, we meet Sergius Paulus, a Roman proconsul on the island of Cyprus, who appeared to have it all. Yet he longed for more. Overcoming great distances, a dangerous ocean and discouraging words, God sent messengers…

Acts 10:1-11:18 | A Nondiscriminatory Gospel

God and His will are unchanging. It has always been His desire that the gospel be nondiscriminatory and that it eventually be received by all nations and all peoples. This was revealed to Peter, yet his Jewish heritage made it difficult for him to overcome his prejudice against the Gentiles. By submitting to God, he was able to bridge the gap with people he despised in order to share the truth and love of Christ. We ought to do likewise.

Acts 8:26-40 | Moldable Multipliers

Philip was an ordinary man who had a an extraordinary impact. He sparked disciple-making movements that reached the ends of the earth by impacting one life at a time. Philip was molded by God and then sent by God Himself to multiply his spiritual life. Will you be molded by God so that He can multiply the Kingdom through you? The choice is yours — Bashful bystander or moldable multiplier.

Acts 5:12-42 | Rejoicing that they were Counted Worthy to Suffer Dishonor for the Name

There are two ways to live life. We can live with God, love one another, love our neighbors and serve according to our divine purpose with joy and peace even in the midst of opposition. Or, we can live with jealousy, fear and anger while still considering ourselves religious. In our message today these two ways are contrasted in the lives of the apostle Peter and the high priest Caiaphas. Why was Peter able to serve with love and joy even when thrown in prison and beaten? The answer to this question is revealed in Peter’s words to Caiaphas. It is also the secret for living the life God created for us today.

Acts 2:14-41 | God has Made Him Both Lord and Christ

A question is a window into the inquirer’s soul and an open door for the careful listener to bring a blessing. When Jesus’ disciples declared the wonders of God in various unlearned languages on the Day of Pentecost, those who had previously joined in the murder of Jesus raised a question, “What does this mean?” The former fisherman, whom Jesus had called with a vision to become a fisher of men, brought an unexpected blessing to all the inquirers of his day and ours. Peter declared this phenomenon to be further proof of a most astounding reality – God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ. Did you know that God the Father has given His Son all authority in heaven and on earth? In this message we hear this declaration and are called to turn from our lesser view of Jesus in order to enter the real world in which Jesus is Lord of all.