"kingdom" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

4. Listening to God: The King and Your Stuff | Matthew 14:13-21

We have all been exposed to thousands of messages about how to manage our money and our stuff. Money penetrates every facet of our lives. As a result, there are a lot of thoughts and feelings we have about money. The good news is, King Jesus doesn’t remain silent on this topic. Both His words and His actions demonstrate that the Kingdom of God is an economy of abundance, and not of scarcity. The earth belongs to God, and everything in it! We are His stewards who are given free reign to listen for His voice, and use our resources to demonstrate how glorious a King He is.

A Viper Came Out … And Fastened on His Hand | Acts 28:1-10

Millions of people don’t know the good news that Jesus is King with all authority over the universe who loves them, died for them, rose to live with them, has a purpose for them and promises a restored future for them and the whole world. Most of these people live on islands and continents far away but some live as refugees right here in Denver. Today we will discover how Paul was brought unexpectedly to the island of Malta in order to show the Maltese people who Jesus is and what His kingdom looks like. We will also meet Ben Sooy who, along with his wife, was unexpectedly brought to Denver to be with and love refugees who would otherwise have been isolated from the knowledge of the love of God. Could it be that part of God’s plan is to direct all Christ-followers unexpectedly to places and people, near and/or far, whom we may have never imagined for the same reason He did this for the Apostle Paul and the Sooys?

Compelled by Kingdom or Comfort? | Acts 20:1-12

Paul forsook comfort as he traveled to many places, spiritually invested in lives, and did ministry that looked a lot like the ministry that Jesus did. What compelled Paul to live such a radical life? – Jesus as King. The Kingdom: Paul’s burning love for Jesus, heart for other people, and resulting desire to make disciples who make disciples. Will you allow…

A Flourishing Movement in the Midst of the Wilderness | Acts 19:8-10

Just as a wildlife biologist exercises appropriate authority in the wilderness for the flourishing of an ecosystem and the enjoyment of it by people, the Apostle Paul exercises spirit-led authority in the epicenter of the “gentile wilderness” for people to flourish with the living water of Christ Jesus like never before. Paul exhibits clear vision, persistence, and responsiveness in developing a team that’s focused, firmly grounded, equipped, and ready to begin a dramatic movement. It’s empowered by the Holy Spirit Himself. When servants of King Jesus capture the opportunities presented to them by the Spirit of the Living God, they exercise authority for a flourishing movement, even (especially!) in the midst of the wilderness. What wilderness are you called into, today?

Acts 14: 19-23 | Paul’s Second Repentance: Raising Up Leaders in Relationship

There’s nothing like a near-death experience to give one clarity about what’s most important. It’s in this context that Paul got thinking about succession: leaving a legacy, establishing a lasting influence, and investing in the next generation. In this text we see the shift in Paul from being primarily a sower, to becoming both a sower and a weeder/tiller/pruner. So instead of moving on…

Acts 11:19-30| Remain Faithful to the Lord with Steadfast Purpose

Aspen forests grow as each tree distributes seeds and sends out root sprouts. Similarly, our exalted Jesus expands His Kingdom here on earth in various ways through ordinary people like you and me. In this message by Dean Wertz, united with a God exalting testimony from Uriel Luebcke, founder and Pastor of SkateMinistry.org, you will be inspired to discover, and then remain steadfast to, your divine purpose.

Why Celebrate Palm Sunday? (Matthew 21:1-11)

Even though there are no commands in the Bible for us to celebrate Palm Sunday, once a year the word “Hosanna” is sung, palm branches are waved and millions of people celebrate the day when Jesus rode on a colt into Jerusalem. Why is this? In this message we uncover the big announcement that Jesus made on that day; news about Himself that is so significant that its implications reverberate beyond our annual celebrations into every aspect of life.

Own that You’re Not in Control (Matt. 9:14-17)

Our cultural default and the tradition of America is to be completely in control and to live out our dreams. The culture in Jesus’ day was to live “in-control” in a religious sense – full of prim-and-proper religiosity. When Jesus is asked a question about fasting, He replies with a veiled correction followed by 2 mini-parables that almost seem out of place, but after examination, highlight how humanity’s need for control and the familiar has to be given up if one is to have real, deep, intimate relationship with God. Jesus Himself perfectly demonstrated this, maybe no more tangibly and beautifully than in the Garden of Gethsemane.