"Knowing God" Tagged Sermons

A Better Hero | Psalm 32

David was a hero. He defeated the villain and led the people to victory over the enemy. But David was human. And, like every human who has ever lived but one, David failed. He failed terribly. He sinned greatly. And his story reminds us that human heroes, even the best of them, fail. But one hero who is more than human never will.

How to Rightly Know the God with Whom We Walk? | John 14:8-11

God created us to walk with Him. Yet, who would do so if we think God is angry or against us? In this message we discover what the 1st followers of Jesus sought to know; how can we most accurately get to know this God who invites us to live with Him in all of life? In Christ, God is revealing Himself to us as One who loves us, is for us, forgives us and wants us (and all who don’t yet rightly know Him) to live all of life in the conscious awareness of His kind presence and purpose.

They Explained the Way of God More Accurately | Acts 18:24-28

What comes into your mind when you think about Jesus is the most important thing about you. When a statement like this is made, it must be supported. In this message we will learn why thinking accurately about Jesus is so essential for your life now and for the life to come. Then we will discover from Acts 18:24-28 a few of the many gifts God gives us to help us think more accurately about Himself.