"listening to God" Tagged Sermons

Walking with God Humbly | Hebrews 11:24-28

Most of us struggle with a secret hope to be recognized and the reality that much of what we do goes unnoticed. This tension can frustrate us when others are praised and attempts to point out our own achievements are seen as arrogant. In this message we discover how walking with God in three specific ways caused Moses to be described as the most humble person on earth (Numbers 12:3) and how this type of life with God is the divine resolution to our human struggle.

6. Listening to God: Prepare to Hear—Be Still | Psalm 46

As we learned last week, God’s voice is the most powerful, transforming force in the universe. Yet, with so many distractions in our world today, His voice can appear muffled or non existent. In this message we are encouraged and equipped to take time to acknowledge and address the distractions in order to become still as we prepare to hear His voice.

Acts 11:19-30| Remain Faithful to the Lord with Steadfast Purpose

Aspen forests grow as each tree distributes seeds and sends out root sprouts. Similarly, our exalted Jesus expands His Kingdom here on earth in various ways through ordinary people like you and me. In this message by Dean Wertz, united with a God exalting testimony from Uriel Luebcke, founder and Pastor of SkateMinistry.org, you will be inspired to discover, and then remain steadfast to, your divine purpose.

A Disciple Loves as God Directs

With so many pressures from family, friends, co-workers and voices inside our head it is easy to become anxious and perplexed in life. Fortunately, Jesus modeled and taught a way of life that listens to God and then carries out what he directs. This week we explore how to hear God’s assignments as well as the tremendous rewards for all who live…