"love neighbors" Tagged Sermons

The Golden Rule | Matthew 7:12

In the Sermon on the amount, Jesus taught us that treating others the way we want to be treated is equivalent to following God’s Law. Though this teaching seems to simplify the Law, it’s actually rather complicated in practice. Everyone wants to be loved in how they’re treated, but how each person gives and receives love is unique, and sometimes people want to be loved in a way that opposes God’s will. How do we follow Jesus’ teaching amidst these challenges? We must actively communicate with others and with God.

For the Life of the World (John 6:48-51)

Often we begin our careers with high aspirations and hopes, but “reality” often collides with our dreams. The early disciples – who witnessed their Master die on a cross – must have felt the same: a crushing disappointment. Yet, as the early church remembered Jesus’s death and resurrection with wine and bread, the eucharist, their suffering was transformed into words and deeds that gave life to their neighbors. In this message, Jeff Haanen shows how our daily work can be transformed in light of Jesus’s gift of His body “for the life of the world.”