"love" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

Thank God We are Living in a Story Filled with Hope | Mark 1:14-15

If and when we share the gospel message, what exactly do we share? What posture do we take? We do have good news to share, don’t we? This sermon addresses how we can start from a place of commonality with our neighbors and friends, no matter what their beliefs, to engage in a lively, heartfelt discussion and presentation of the Christian narrative and worldview – pointing to the One Hope for humanity.

Loving Your Neighbor | Luke 4:16-22

Do you have a longing to someday, somehow do something outside the status quo to make a difference for others who are not yet a part of God’s family? If so, join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. to discover Christ’s passion to bring hope to the hopeless, to identify possible barriers keeping you from doing so, and to reflect on the gifts and resources He has given to you for the good of others and the glory of God.

Loving God | Matthew 22:34-40

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love our neighbors. A few days later he gave a third new commandment to love one another. Do you ever feel unworthy of God’s love? Do you ever wish you could love God more consistently? Do you have any frustrating relationships with others who are in the family of God? Do you want to be a more positive influence for Christ with your co-workers, classmates and neighbors? If so, join us each Sunday in March at 9 a.m. as we begin this Sunday by exploring the unconditional love of God and practical ways to express our love for him followed (in future Sundays) by Jesus’ guidance regarding loving others.

Abiders Bless the World | John 15:1-11

Fruit is a blessing to the world. So, it is God’s chosen metaphor for the good that He does in and through you as you abide in Christ. Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. to learn how to abide in Christ in a way that produces genuine fruit for the world’s good, your joy (as we learned through Arik’s message last week) and God’s glory!

How to Disagree | Ephesians 4:17-32

Sometimes we disagree with people we love. This difficulty can cause sleepless nights, stomach aches, avoidance, anger and sometimes even slander. Last week we learned from Ephesians 4:1-16 that God’s vision for the church is unity, not uniformity. In this coming message, from Ephesians 4:17-32, we will begin to discover God’s guidance on how to be faithful to our convictions and kind toward others, especially when we disagree.

Walking and Abiding with Love | John 15:1-17

Is there a recipe for walking closely with God in today’s world? Jesus mastered walking with His Father and He seeks to teach His disciples to do the same. What He taught was relatively simple: You stay close when you obey and do what Jesus, Our King, commands. Jesus has and will command many things, but specifically He repeats the command that we “love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12). So, we walk closely with God when we obey Jesus Christ’s example and command to love each other as he loved us. 

Fruit of the Spirit – Part 1 of 3 | Galatians 5:22-23

With so much uncertainty around us, wouldn’t it be nice to experience more of God’s love, joy and peace? These three qualities are the first of nine described by the Apostle Paul as Fruit of the Spirit. They are also realities Jesus experienced throughout His time with us on earth. This week, we discover how to receive and more fully experience these God-given virtues.

How Relational Anxiety Dies | Matthew 7:1-6

Alexander the Great is credited for saying, “The more I get to know my neighbor, the more I love my dog.” Relationships are hard because they cause conflict and conflict is hard because it causes anxiety. As we know, God made us to experience people and peace. In this part of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shares God’s brilliant approach for sustaining relationships and tranquility. For this wisdom, we give thanks to God on this Sunday before Thanksgiving and every time we begin to feel the honest and painful emotions of Alexander the Great.