"obedience" Tagged Sermons

The Lord | Isaiah 6:1-8

“Many men and women today are living, often with inner dissatisfaction, without any faith in God at all. This is because they have not found with their adult minds a God big enough to account for life, big enough to fit in with the new scientific age, big enough to command their highest admiration and respect, and consequently their willing cooperation.” J. B. Phillips’ words are true today as they were when he wrote them in 1955. Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. for the fourth week in our study on the names of God as we encounter God, “Adonai” and discover that He is worthy to command our highest admiration and respect!

Where Shall We Find the Good Life? | Deuteronomy 30:15-20

A wise child learns from the successes and mistakes of their parents. Likewise, we can gain wisdom from observing the choices of previous generations including the people of Israel during their 40 years wandering in the wilderness. Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. as we rediscover God’s path for His people (then and now) to receive and experience His good and blessed life!

What Should We Do With The Ten Commandments? | Exodus 19:16-20

When someone mentions THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, deep feelings often arise. “Yikes, I can’t recount all 10.” “I’m guilty because I don’t measure up.” “I guess I’m in trouble because I can’t measure up.” “Yes, whew, I’m very devoted to living by them.” “Why did they remove them from the courthouse? Are you kidding me!?” What should we, who seek to abide in Jesus, think about and do with the 10 Commandments? Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we consider God’s dramatic presentation of these laws and discover the role they played in Jesus’s earthly life, and now in our own!

Christ-Like Obedience and Authority | Ephesians 6:5-9

Kids are to obey parents, students are to obey teachers, employees are to obey employers and citizens are to obey governments. God wants us to obey all whom He puts in authority, assuming they allow us to obey Him, our greatest authority, and He wants us to do it in a Christ-like way because obeying them is ultimately obeying Him. Similarly, God wants parents, teachers, employers, and governing authorities to use their authority in a Christ-like way so that both our obedience and our authority imitate Christ and unite us in Christ.

Walking and Abiding with Love | John 15:1-17

Is there a recipe for walking closely with God in today’s world? Jesus mastered walking with His Father and He seeks to teach His disciples to do the same. What He taught was relatively simple: You stay close when you obey and do what Jesus, Our King, commands. Jesus has and will command many things, but specifically He repeats the command that we “love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12). So, we walk closely with God when we obey Jesus Christ’s example and command to love each other as he loved us. 

The Difference Between Knowledge and Wisdom | Proverbs 2:1-10

Wisdom is entirely different from knowledge: it’s the right use of knowledge. It is a skill developed over time, only through a posture of sitting at the feet of God Himself, in all humility and all joy. Developing this skill is even more critical in our information age, where knowledge abounds but wisdom is lacking. Jesus is the true wisdom of God, and He promises to give it to all who ask for it!