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Be Still My Soul 4: Fulfill God’s Priorities| Mark 1:35-39 | Dean Wertz

Today we finish our 4-week series entitled, Be Still My Soul in which we are looking to Jesus who lived in communion with the Father, faithfully fulfilled His divine assignments, evaded people’s expectations, loved the right people and sustained a soul at rest. Throughout these first weeks of 2018 we are reminded that God envisions followers of Jesus doing the same. Today’s message emerges from the final 2 verses in Mark 1:35-39 in which we see Jesus faithfully fulfilling God’s priorities. Here He shows us how to do the same.

Ready to Die for the Name of the Lord Jesus | Acts 21:1-16

As Jesus called His followers to do tangible things during His time on earth, He continues to summons His disciples to action now. Sometimes Jesus’ plans for us are so difficult that others may urge us to head in a different direction. Do you ever second guess your direction? Do you ever stay awake at night worrying what others will think about your plans? In Acts 21:1-16 we see the courage of Paul who received his marching orders from one Source and remained faithful to his orders in spite of opposing forces. We also discover the high motivation that can make this loyalty possible for all disciples – for the name of the Lord Jesus.

Acts 14: 19-23 | Paul’s Second Repentance: Raising Up Leaders in Relationship

There’s nothing like a near-death experience to give one clarity about what’s most important. It’s in this context that Paul got thinking about succession: leaving a legacy, establishing a lasting influence, and investing in the next generation. In this text we see the shift in Paul from being primarily a sower, to becoming both a sower and a weeder/tiller/pruner. So instead of moving on…

Listening to the Voice (1 Samuel 3:1-20)

Often the question is posed – “Does God still speak like He did in the Bible?” We often wonder “How does God speak?” and “Is that just me or is that God?” This message takes a look at the life of Samuel and how God greatly used him but he too had to learn God’s voice before he could listen to God’s voice and then live by God’s voice. What do you yearn to hear – God’s voice or the other voices around you?

Own that You’re Not in Control (Matt. 9:14-17)

Our cultural default and the tradition of America is to be completely in control and to live out our dreams. The culture in Jesus’ day was to live “in-control” in a religious sense – full of prim-and-proper religiosity. When Jesus is asked a question about fasting, He replies with a veiled correction followed by 2 mini-parables that almost seem out of place, but after examination, highlight how humanity’s need for control and the familiar has to be given up if one is to have real, deep, intimate relationship with God. Jesus Himself perfectly demonstrated this, maybe no more tangibly and beautifully than in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Parable of the Wise & Foolish Builders (Matthew 7:24-27)

Life is difficult and the closing move in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount reminds us of this sober reality. In this teaching, known as The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders, we discover that while Jesus does not remove the challenges from His students, He does present a way to prevail through them. This way is a lifelong mentoring relationship with our living instructor that includes listening to Him and then doing what He says.

Parables of the Priceless Treasure (Matthew 13:44-52)

Do you ever wonder how some people are able to gladly sacrifice so much to honor God and love others? If we could discover their fuel for joyful obedience maybe we could do the same. In these twin parables Jesus reveals that there is a treasure available to all of us that is so wonderful that any sacrifices made to get it…

The Story #15: Amos — the Unqualified Empowered Shepherd-Prophet (Amos 7:10-15)

Amos is one of the lesser known messengers of God, tucked away in the Old Testament. As God spoke to Amos, Amos surrendered his career and his reputation in order to reach God’s people with God’s message. This message reflects on the life of Amos and provides a challenge for the people of God to listen for God’s voice in the midst of life and then obey in order to “love neighbor.” One of the best and most practical ways to begin loving our neighbors is to listen to God’s voice – ask Him, “who, where, and how?”