"obedience" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

The Story #10: God Longs for your Heart (I Samuel)

Most of us feel a little uncomfortable when we hear the word “obedience”: it conjures up feelings and/or memories of punishment and pain, or a long list of “shoulds.” Samuel and Saul are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to obeying God. Their juxtaposition provides an avenue into seeing what God is really after when He asks His people to listen to Him, wait for Him, and walk humbly with Him.

Revere God and Honor the Emperor (1 Peter 2:13-17)

Though it can be tempting to skirt around the laws of our land, God does not want Christians to overlook the impact it has when we honor our government’s leaders and laws. When Christians submit to governing authorities they both honor God and are used to help some who do not yet believe stop their criticisms of Christ and in some cases, eventually come to know and glorify God.

To God’s Elect Exiles (1 Peter 1:1-2)

When a culture shifts away from God and His Word, followers of Jesus often error by either getting angry with those in the world or by compromising in order to avoid persecution. In this introductory message to the letter of I Peter, we discover that God led Peter to write to Christians in modern day Northern Turkey in order to show them how to live in Christ according to the ways of Christ in the midst of a culture that is opposed to Jesus and His ways. This message also shows the relevance for believers in our day as well.