"Obeying" Tagged Sermons

Behold the One Beholding You and Smiling | 1 Samuel 16:1-7

What kind of person does God look for when an important work needs to get done? When Saul failed to accurately represent the Lord as Israel’s first king, God chose a new servant whom others overlooked. Join us this Sunday for our second message from the era of Israel’s Kings. We will discover an often-overlooked virtue that always catches God’s attention when He looks for someone through whom He can do significant things!

3. Listening to God: A Speaking King | I Samuel 3 & John 10:27

Does God speak to us today? How you answer this question will set your life on one of two paths. In this message we explore some of the ways God’s voice has been heard in the past and we consider the possibility that everyone (young and old, spiritually disconnected and spiritually mature) has the ability to hear God’s voice because Jesus is a King who speaks yesterday, today and forever.