"Passion" Tagged Sermons

Love God | Matthew 22:34-40

Compartmentalization is a subconscious defense mechanism used to avoid mental discomfort and anxiety caused by living with conflicting values, beliefs and behaviors. Compartmentalization allowed the Pharisees to believe one thing and live another. In reality, we all (with one exception) compartmentalize. Jesus lived a perfectly integrated life and in this message, we discover how He did it. Centering on the Great Commandment, Jesus reveals what brought perfect alignment in His life and He shares God’s vision for all of us to also live pure and integrated lives.

Compelled by Kingdom or Comfort? | Acts 20:1-12

Paul forsook comfort as he traveled to many places, spiritually invested in lives, and did ministry that looked a lot like the ministry that Jesus did. What compelled Paul to live such a radical life? – Jesus as King. The Kingdom: Paul’s burning love for Jesus, heart for other people, and resulting desire to make disciples who make disciples. Will you allow…

The Story #29: The Gripped Life (selected passages from Acts & Paul’s letters)

Paul the Apostle was a man gripped by Jesus. This is why he was so passionate for Jesus and willing to suffer for the cause of Christ. In his conversion, his calling, his ministry, his suffering, and his daily life, he was gripped by Jesus. The center of his life was to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and this is the message he so longed to proclaim to those who had not yet heard. What are you gripped by? Jesus Christ or the many distractions of life? Your passion will reveal what you are gripped by.