"pleasure" Tagged Sermons

A Surprising Way | 1 Peter 4:1-6

Life is full of ups and downs, with moments of great pleasure and deep suffering and pain. Our world often tries to ignore this suffering with excess, or buries itself in despair – but how does God call us to respond to suffering? What ways does Peter instruct us to walk through suffering with Christ? Join us this Sunday as Ministry Coordinator Tara Farrell brings us a message from 1 Peter in our series on Gentleness: A Beautiful Way in a Chaotic World.

Compelled by Kingdom or Comfort? | Acts 20:1-12

Paul forsook comfort as he traveled to many places, spiritually invested in lives, and did ministry that looked a lot like the ministry that Jesus did. What compelled Paul to live such a radical life? – Jesus as King. The Kingdom: Paul’s burning love for Jesus, heart for other people, and resulting desire to make disciples who make disciples. Will you allow…

Acts 14:1-18 | Turn from these Vain Things to a Living God

We are made to worship. God engineered our souls to thirst for increasing doses of delight. So throughout our city as in the 1st century city of Lystra men and women seek pleasure in many unsatisfactory quests. In this text the Apostle Paul succinctly declares the secret for every soul, “Turn from these vain things to a living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them.” Listening to this message will clarify for you why only God will satisfy your soul and equip you to expand your delight in Him.