"prayer" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Jesus was a man of prayer so we can learn much from Him when it comes to conversing with God. In this message based on what many people call The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us a framework for prayer that honors God and includes several key priorities to be included our prayers.

KINGDOM PERCEPTION: Seeing the World through God’s Eyes (2 Kings 6)

The world is packed full of hopeless, dark, desperate, dead-end situations. God’s people often find themselves in seemingly hopeless situations. But, how do God’s faithful ones see the world around them and respond? They see the world with God’s very own eyes! They see themselves, other people, and situations the way God sees them. This is how Elisha lived – by faith, by the eyes of God. If we are Christ’s hands and feet, we ought to see the world with His very own eyes.

The Story #21: Nehemiah: Embracing God’s Next Assignment (Nehemiah & Malachi)

Slavery, hunger, sex trafficking, addictions, broken relationships… Have you noticed how many things on our globe are not as they should be? When God decides it is time to renovate a portion of earth so it looks more like heaven He typically does so through His children. Nehemiah wept, prayed and worked with God and others to overturn the “great trouble and shame” in Jerusalem. He embraced God’s assignment for his generation. Will you listen and trust God to do the same for yours?