"Present Day" Tagged Sermons

Christ’s Relevance Today | Colossians 1:19-20

 Continuing our series, The Relevance of Christ, today we’re examining Jesus’s relevance to the world in our present age. In Colossians, Paul says that Jesus is “reconciling all things to himself.” Wow, what a big and bold statement! Can you really believe it? The state of our world during this “in-between time” – where Jesus ascended to the throne of Heaven but we’re waiting for him to come back to bring his new Kingdom in its fullness – has made this idea the subject of much debate, doubt, cynicism, and pure disbelief. In short: for many people from many generations, it can feel like God isn’t at work at all. A natural reaction is to try to take things into our own hands, just like Abraham after he was tired of waiting for God’s promise. But maybe we have a tendency to look for Jesus’s work in all the wrong places. In times like these, we need to hear the encouraging ongoing work of Christ himself: for us, to us, in us, and through us!