"Scripture" Tagged Sermons

Lent 3: Penitent and Praying | Psalm 19

We were made to live with God. Yet, like David, we wander, breaking the Divine’s laws and heart. Fortunately, God pursues His people in many ways. On this 3rd Sunday of Lent we see in Psalm 19 that God reveals Himself to His wayward king through His creation and His written Word. This was a gift to David and, for those of us who live after the first coming of Jesus, we have the clearest demonstration of God’s love and grace. In Christ, we can be restored and reconciled to our God-given purpose – the blessed life with God.

The Riot in Ephesus | Acts 19:21-41

Have you ever read about an historical event in the Bible and wondered why it matters? It is easy to dismiss passages that do not seem relevant to our present or eternal lives. Yet, Jesus Himself said that scripture points to Him. This is obvious in many Old Testament prophecies, but New Testament Scriptures, like the Riot in Ephesus, need a more thorough investigation.