"Shame" Tagged Sermons

The Love of God | John 20:24-31

Have you ever said something you wish you could take back? Have you ever felt distressed because you did something foolish? This Easter, God wants you free from shame. Join us at 9 a.m. to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus through song, reading of scripture, and a message to astound you with the unexpected, undeserving and unrelenting love of God for you!

Resurrection in Practice | John 21:15-25

Have you ever been a bad friend? Have you ever shrunk back from a challenge because you were scared? Have you ever been unfaithful to someone who has only ever been faithful to you for years? A common feeling we have when we recognize we’ve done something like this, is shame. Peter must have felt shame after he denied knowing Jesus, 3 times. When Jesus forgives Peter joyfully, removes Peter’s shame completely, and invites Peter to follow him courageously, he empowers Peter to live like Jesus, resurrectedly.

Lent 1: Overwhelmed and Praying | Psalm 25

This first week of Lent, David’s prayer in Psalm 25 reveals that shame, hurt, confusion, loneliness, guilt, concerns for others and many other afflictions are a part of our humanity. Rather than figuring these things out before we come to God, these are the very things our Heavenly Father, whose love is steadfast, is calling us to bring to Him just as we are.