"Spirit" Tagged Sermons

Listening to the Spirit | I Corinthians 2:6-16

Two weeks ago, Lead Pastor Dean Wertz established the problem of disunity in the church – both in the at Corinth, and in the world today. Last week, Elder Rob Cupp gave a message on how exalting Christ as our King and surrendering our love to Him can bring us together again. This week, we will discuss how listening to wisdom of the Spirit (and not the wisdom of the world) is absolutely essential to living our lives authentically in unity with Christ and the church. We will also be inviting two special guests onstage to share their personal stories about what it’s like to deny the wisdom of the world, and trust fully in the Spirit of God.

Into Uncomfortable Places | John 4:1-42

Following Jesus is not always easy or comfortable. It often wasn’t easy for the disciples, especially when He led them into unexpected places – like Samaria – and did unexpected things – like talking alone with a woman at a well. But it is often in these moments where the most profound, earth-shattering revelations of God are given, and the abundant fruit of salvation is seen. As believers at Hope, we want to walk faithfully with our God – even as He leads us into uncomfortable places in our lives. 

People Spurred by the Spirit | Hebrews 11:29

When the ancient people of God were in crisis, surrounded by their enemy that could kill and capture them and the sea that could crush and drown them, God saved them by creating a path and spurring them to walk in faith through it. When we, the people of God, are in crisis today, we can trust that the one who spurred the world into motion can spur us to act justly, mercifully, and humbly as we walk with him.

Listening to the Voice (1 Samuel 3:1-20)

Often the question is posed – “Does God still speak like He did in the Bible?” We often wonder “How does God speak?” and “Is that just me or is that God?” This message takes a look at the life of Samuel and how God greatly used him but he too had to learn God’s voice before he could listen to God’s voice and then live by God’s voice. What do you yearn to hear – God’s voice or the other voices around you?