"stewardship" Tagged Sermons

Treasures in Heaven – Part 2 | Matthew 6:22-24

In this portion of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus reveals a crucial reality. As those with good eyes can observe the world beyond the capacity of those with impaired vision, so everyone with God has the privilege to see Him and His ways more clearly than those apart from Him. Beyond this revelation, Jesus also provides hope for those of us who long to know God and His ways more clearly in the form of activities we can do that enable us to do things that we can not do by our own direct effort (i.e. spiritual disciplines).

A Portion to Save| Proverbs 21:20

What does the Lord, who owns it all, want us to do with the resources He entrusts to us? Last week we learned that He wants us to be generous by sharing the first portion. This week we discover that He also wants us to save an appropriate amount, so we are prepared and at ease, without dread of disaster.

It’s All a Gift | Psalm 24:1-2

Cars run best over the long haul when all 4 tires are aligned. In this 4-week series we will align our finances in 4 key ways to God’s vision. In this first message we are challenged by the declaration in God’s Word that He owns it all. When this reality is embraced, the unexpected gift of gratitude returns to our life and relationship with God!

The Ministry that I Received from the Lord Jesus | Acts 20:13-38

Relay runners must receive the baton before they can run with it. Wide receivers must catch the ball before then can advance it. Followers of Jesus must receive our unique ministry from God before we can faithfully and effectively walk in it. Do you ever wish you could be used by God to a greater extent? Fortunately, Paul’s talk with the pastors in Ephesus (Acts 20:13-28) along with his letter to the church in Ephesus reveals that King Jesus has a unique ministry for everyone with an openness to receive it and then steward it faithfully.

A Disciple Faithfully Stewards God’s Blessings (Genesis 1:1, 26-28)

When we buy a book, car or home we consider it “ours.” We have the receipt, title and/or bill of sale to prove that the product, building and land is ours. When we are given an unexpected day off, that day is “ours.” Yet, a careful reading of the Bible reveals that we, who are students of Jesus and lovers of God, are not ultimately owners but stewards. “Stewardship” is the management of the property or resources belonging to another in order to achieve the owner’s objectives. In this message we discover that God, the Owner of everything, is clear to reveal both his objectives, through his written word, and to give us a perfect example of stewardship, through his Son, his living word. This is great news for all who long to hear him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”