"trinity" Tagged Sermons

How to Rightly Know the God with Whom We Walk? | John 14:8-11

God created us to walk with Him. Yet, who would do so if we think God is angry or against us? In this message we discover what the 1st followers of Jesus sought to know; how can we most accurately get to know this God who invites us to live with Him in all of life? In Christ, God is revealing Himself to us as One who loves us, is for us, forgives us and wants us (and all who don’t yet rightly know Him) to live all of life in the conscious awareness of His kind presence and purpose.

Living Immersed in the Holy Spirit | John 1:29-34

 John The Baptist saw something with discerning eyes which allowed him to believe and passionately preach that Jesus was the Messiah. What he saw was a heavenly reality of relationship between Spirit and Son.  This relational reality was what empowered Jesus in His earthly ministry, and it is what he invites us into as we walk with God in our own daily lives. To be immersed in the fullness of the Triune God is Christ’s example and gift to us.

Hope at Home: The Trinity Revealed | John 1:29-34

Many of us enjoy hiking to beautiful places. On the trail we often encounter those who have already experienced the beauty. They assure us that it’s coming soon and that it’s worth it. The moment we finally see it, it surprises us and amazes us, surpassing our expectations. In the same way, God’s people were assured by prophets, angels, and the Holy Spirit that the Savior of the world was soon to be revealed. When he finally was, the beauty, nature, and purpose of our triune God was boldly presented, a cause for worship and theological reflection.

1st Week of Advent: Jesus is Light (John 1:1-13)

The word Advent comes from a Latin word meaning “to come.” On this 1st Sunday of Advent we celebrate the first coming of Jesus as the light of the world. Similar to the transformation from darkness to light that we all experienced when we were born, so everything changes when the light of Christ shines into our spiritual darkness and we experience our new birth from above.

To God’s Elect Exiles (1 Peter 1:1-2)

When a culture shifts away from God and His Word, followers of Jesus often error by either getting angry with those in the world or by compromising in order to avoid persecution. In this introductory message to the letter of I Peter, we discover that God led Peter to write to Christians in modern day Northern Turkey in order to show them how to live in Christ according to the ways of Christ in the midst of a culture that is opposed to Jesus and His ways. This message also shows the relevance for believers in our day as well.