Sermons on Ephesians (Page 2)

Why Pray? | Ephesians 3:14-21

Why pray if God is sovereign over all? Why pray when time is limited and there is so much work to be done? Why pray if God already knows everything including what I will converse with Him about? After writing to the church in Ephesus about the awe-inspiring and freshly revealed gospel of Jesus, the Apostle Paul shares the reason why he bows his knee before the Father. In so doing, he has inspired generations of people like you and me to do the same. Join us for this message and service to worship God and discover a potentially new and compelling reason to pray!

The Mystery Revealed | Ephesians 3:1-13

When something happens in life that we simply can’t explain – how does this affect our faith in Jesus? This week, we read Paul’s important reminder that the gospel of Jesus Christ is a beautiful and wondrous mystery, revealed to us in the present age, and worthy to be shared with the entire world. Even when we can’t explain everything – we can rest assured in His love for us and in our hope for the future.

By Grace Through Faith | Ephesians 2:1-10

Many people pray. Who we pray to and what we pray for makes all of the difference. As Paul writes to the church in Ephesus, he expresses his thanks to God for them following Christ and then he shares with them what he prays for them. What he prays is not for their safety or their prosperity, but for their full experiential knowledge of what they have in Christ – Hope and His Great Power! What would change in our lives if we received this type of prayer and prayed it for each other?

Thanksgiving and Prayer for Power | Ephesians 1:15-23

Many people pray. Who we pray to and what we pray for makes all of the difference. As Paul writes to the church in Ephesus, he expresses his thanks to God for them following Christ and then he shares with them what he prays for them. What he prays is not for their safety or their prosperity, but for their full experiential knowledge of what they have in Christ – Hope and His Great Power! What would change in our lives if we received this type of prayer and prayed it for each other?

Blessed | Ephesians 1:1-14

On sunny and rainy days, it is good, necessary and right to consider the goodness of God. Please join us this Sunday as we unite in song, prayer and God’s Word to meditate on several blessings which God has given to all who love Jesus. This week’s message will be the first in a new series through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.