Sermons on Gifts for God's Children

God’s Hope | Exodus 33:12-17 (First few minutes of this message is missing.)

What shall we do when we feel stuck and discouraged? Moses’s transformation from despair to hope shines a light on how all of God’s children can awaken to receive God’s gift of hope in times of difficulty. Even more helpful, Moses points us to the One “greater than” himself who lives in hope and inspires hope. In Christ alone, our hope (a good feeling awakened by embracing God’s plans for the future) is found!

God’s Guidance | Exodus 33:12-16

The compass, map, owner’s manual, Siri and the Bible have this in common – they show the way. Yet, better than a map is a guide. In this 2nd message in our August series entitled, Gifts for God’s Children, we see Moses’ prayer for direction as well as God’s plan to be his and all of His children’s personal guide in this life and the life to come!

His Presence | Exodus 33:12-16

Like so many, Moses discovered that God’s presence is God’s greatest gift to God’s children. In His presence God’s children are most like who we were created to be and most capable of bringing glory to God. In this message we consider how to more fully avail ourselves to the gift of God’s presence personally and corporately.