Sermons on The Abide Project (Page 2)

The Abide Project: 2. The Vinedresser | John 15:1b

Why does Jesus seemingly complicate the simplicity of His invitation to abide by introducing His Father as the vinedresser who cuts some branches and prunes others? Apparently, maintaining a close, dependent and life-long attachment with Jesus also requires a wholistic view of life. Here is good news for followers of Jesus – when life doesn’t make sense and when we feel alone, this more comprehensive view of reality includes the presence of a sovereign and loving vinedresser.

The Abide Project: 1. The True Vine | John 15:1a

Today we begin The Abide Project, a 12-week journey to better understand and experience Jesus’ invitation to abide. In this teaching (John 15:1-11) on the night before His crucifixion, Jesus started by identifying Himself as “the true vine.” Why does He liken Himself to a vine and is there any significance to His use of the adjective “true?” As we explore answers to these questions, we discover that these words are more than the beginning of Jesus’ vineyard teaching, they are the beginning of life as we were created to live!

The Abide Project: Introduction | Matthew 4:12-17

“If I find in myself a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”1 In one sentence C.S. Lewis exposes the universal hunger of our souls. It is a craving for more joy, strength, comfort, peace, help, guidance, love, awe, gratitude, compassion, self-control and more. Today we prepare in a variety of ways to begin a journey this fall to explore Jesus’ proposed solution for this longing. His answer comes as an invitation to “abide” so our focus for the next three months will be called, The Abide Project.
1 C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (Glasgow: Fontana Books, 1975), 118.