Sermons from June 2024

The Most High | Daniel 4:34b-25

In your life and the lives of others, what do you control? Do you control your own property: your house, your car, or your possessions? Do you control these things for someone else: a renter, a roommate, or a child? Parents, do you control other aspects of your children’s lives: where they live, what they learn, what they eat, or even what they’re named? Bosses, do you control aspects of your employees’ lives: where they work or what they do? All of us control something. Nebuchadnezzar controlled many things. But God controls everything and he continually proved it. Join us this Sunday to worship, pray, and study a story from the book of Daniel that teaches us another name of God and how we should view control.

The Revealer of Mysteries | Daniel 2:20b-23

When was the last time you had a problem that you really needed to solve but didn’t know how to do it because you either didn’t have enough information or you had enough information but didn’t know how to interpret it? When this happened, what did you do? Did you get anxious about the problem and lose sleep over it or pressure someone else to solve it? Did you stall for time or just give up on it? Join us this Sunday at 9am to worship, pray, and study a story from the book of Daniel that teaches us another name of God and a better way to solve problems.

Son of Man | Matthew 20:20-34

While most people in the 1st Century described Jesus as the Christ, His primary way to identify Himself was with the name, Son of Man. Join us this Sunday at 9am to pray, sing, be together and consider why Jesus preferred to describe Himself as the Son of Man. What was He trying to say with this particular name of God?

Our Blessed Hope | Titus 2:11-15

What are you most looking forward to? Is anticipation a part of your daily life? Join us this Sunday at 9am as we come together to pray, sing, beautify our campus after the service, and meditate on one of the forward-looking names of God revealed in Titus 2:13. In this message we will discover that Jesus is both our life now and our “blessed hope”!