Having just spent 2 weeks on what it means to be messengers of the euangelion, we now turn to what it looks like to live out the gospel. Is it ever difficult for you to connect your life inside the church building to the life outside it? Do the truths you sing of in the “embassy” seem less true when you’re not there? Or less relevant, maybe? Or even just harder to grasp or remember in the midst of the day-to-day? Jesus in his infamous Sermon on the Mount gives us clarity regarding the Kingdom ethics we are to live out in everyday life. In even just two small glimpses, we see Jesus marvelously re-align the measuring stick of ethical behavior with the new concept of agape love, reserved for everybody. And he tells us that’s how the world will come to know God. So ambassadors of the king live in the way of supernatural love, 168 hours per week.