Sermons by Dean Wertz (Page 3)

Run with Endurance | Hebrews 12:1-3

Join us this Sunday as we worship God, welcome new guests, reconnect with one another and finish our study through the letter to the Hebrews. According to God, life with Jesus is a marathon, not a moment. So, in this message seekers will be encouraged to enter the adventure and those who have already done so will be exhorted to run with endurance the race that is set before us!

Encouraging One Another in a World of Distractions | Hebrews 10:19-25

Loneliness is a desire for human connection while feeling isolated. According to studies from the University of Chicago Medical Department, there is a connection between loneliness and health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diminished sleep quality, increased inflammation and decreased viral immunity. This Sunday, let’s explore God’s life-giving plan that displaces loneliness with joy and hope in our lives.

Holding Fast in a World of Distractions | Hebrews 10:19-25

If you are considering becoming a follower of Jesus, you may suspect that remaining faithful when questioned by unbelievers could be a challenge (“I don’t want to appear foolish!”). If you are a Christian, you may have seasons when a culturally-acceptable world view of another causes you to waver (“Yikes, is this really true?”). Since it is natural to experience hesitancy regarding public steadfastness with and for Christ, join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we consider together what enduring faithfulness to Jesus looks like and how to experience it in a distracting world.

Celebrating God in the Old Testament

Over the past 6 months we have been on a journey through God’s story in the Old Testament. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as all ages unite for a family service to sing, celebrate communion and learn together. During our message time, our approach will be interactive, hearing from one another any new insights gained from our study, what God has revealed about Himself and/or how our lives have been changed through our journey from creation through Israel’s restoration over the past 6 months. Please consider these ideas in advance, come ready to share and anticipate learning from others who share. We look forward to being with you for this fun and collaborative celebration as a church family!

Everything Renewed | Nehemiah 6:15-7:4

Tree planting, coral rehabilitation, forest rewilding, invasive species eradication and natural ground-water filtration. Restoration is the process of returning something or someone to their original beauty. Join us as this Sunday at 9 a.m. to warmly welcome those who join us for the first time, love one another, sing together and dream about your role in God’s restorative work in our world, our buildings, ourselves and the lives of discouraged people around us.

Unusual Citizens with an Eternal Kingdom | Daniel 6:16-17

 Have you noticed how tough it has become to live faithfully with God among those who don’t share your God-centered worldview? How can we walk honorably with so many opposing voices and views around us? Join us Sunday at 9am to worship the Lord, and be encouraged and equipped to honor God among those who think and see life differently. 

Merciful Warnings | Jeremiah 13:15-22, 27

“Sharp Curve Ahead!” “Bacteria in Water!” “Zip Line Damaged!” Warnings are a necessary part of life for our good. Join us Sunday at 9 a.m. as we see the 8th Century B.C. consequence of Jerusalem’s dismissal of God’s warnings and receive training to respond to God’s merciful warnings with gratitude rather than defensiveness.

Asunder | I Kings 12:1-7

Have you ever hurt someone? Has your influence ever damaged another? To avoid rending relationships, destroying people, and leaving this world worse than how you found it, join us at 9 am this Sunday to worship God and hear a warning from the harmful life of Rehoboam, Israel’s third king.